FFA Freshman Awarded Jackets

Freshmen members of the Grassland FFA were awarded FFA Jackets by the FFA Alumni at the Mid-winter FFA Convention held in conjunction with the PA State Farm Show. First year FFA members were encouraged to complete an application

which highlights level of involvement in FFA activities so far, plans for future participation and career goals. The applicants also wrote an essay describing what the FFA Jacket means to them. The following Garden Spot students were selected by a panel of judges and awarded their jackets on Monday. State-wide, 250 jackets were awarded.  FFA Alumni or anyone wishing to support the FFA Jacket program by sponsoring one or more jackets may contact Krista Pontius at   KPontius@GREENWOODSD.ORG The number of jackets awarded depends upon the amount of sponsorships available.

Recipients came to the mid-winter convention in official dress, except for their jackets,  and were presented  their jackets during a special ceremony which culminated in the 250 simultaneously students putting on their jackets for the first time.

Grassland recipients front row: Derick Weaver, Wesley Weaver, Blake Martin

Grassland recipients back row:  Jenna Diehl, Jessica Zimmerman, Bethany Sauder, Kelly Seifrit, Travis Stauffer

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