Daily Archives: February 5, 2016

How would you summarize “How to Become a United States Presidential Candidate?”

For me, I would just say that “How to Become a United States Presidential Candidate” is just the steps to become one, but that wouldn’t be enough information, would it? No, so in the following paragraphs we will include more details about the passage. The article is split up into four sections and each section has information about the steps to becoming a presidential candidate.

The first section is the introduction of it all. It starts off with saying how you become one by you having to be born in the state and lived there for fourteen years. Next it continues explaining how you need to have support by one of the major parties in order to do it with an easier method. This is because they provide more opportunities for the presidential candidate like “funding, opportunities to easily send messages and ideas to many people, and access to research and workers.”

This next section is about different changes in history. It begins telling about when George Washington was president he was selected by delegates to be a part of the Second Continental Congress. The delegates finally agreed that Washington should become the next president.

The third section is about the state primaries and caucuses. The first sentence in that part says that if you want to be president, you have to be chosen by a political party before hand. When it is election year, each state has a primary or caucus and this happens usually every 4 years. Most states have primaries. In a caucus, they have meetings and give speeches to support whoever they want like a specific candidate. Then they vote for whatever candidate. In a primary, the voters go to polls to vote for a specific candidate. In both primary and Caucus, they vote on whoever their opinion reflects on for their specific party. Based on their result, the delegates are supposed to go out and vote and select the party’s candidate at the national convention.

This last selection is about the national convention. Each major political party attend a national convention every year of election. Every state sends a delegate to attend. The delegates confirm the votes for the party’s convention. The candidate who receives the most votes will officially be the party’s candidate of the president of the United States. National convention’s are usually very crowded. The delegates are passionate about supporting Bernie @ ISUtheir candidates. The conventions are usually on the television, which gives tons of spectators an opportunity to watch democracy in action, as Americans decide who will run as president.

Max Goldberg via Compfight 

Thank you for reading. We hope you liked our summarizing of “How to Become a United States Presidential Candidate.”