Marking Period #1 Goal Achievement Updates

Good afternoon parents and caregivers,

Wow!  This first marking period sure did fly.  I feel like I say that every year, but it really does seem to go faster as time moves on.

If you’re family is like mine, by now you’re in the swing of this new school year.  Hopefully your children have gotten adjusted to their new teachers and new routines.  I continue to have the pleasure of seeing your students approximately weekly.  During intervention times, 3rd & 4th graders see me as a group and 5th & 6th graders meet together, on their respective days.  I like to give you a simple snapshot of the kinds of things we’ve been doing and discussing together.  As I shared at the beginning of the year, we are making connections back to the idea of JOURNEYS, no matter what the specific topic/content is that we are examining.

Our 3rd & 4th graders spent the first marking period becoming monarch butterfly ambassadors.  As an extension of science and ELA curriculum, we more closely examined the migration that takes place each year for monarch butterflies to Mexico.  This journey is so special because it is one of a kind (ask your child to explain how that is so). We made symbolic monarchs that were sent with letters to a classroom in Mexico at the same time that real monarch butterflies are making their journey south.  We can’t wait to see what returns to us in the spring as the monarchs move north.

5th & 6th graders spent some time at the beginning of the year looking into and reflecting back on their own learning journeys.  We also examined character traits of famous individuals who have made journeys and made connections with our own experiences.  Students used a new tool for make graphics called Adobe Spark to create a representation of their learning journeys up until this point.

Thank you to those who have made time to come in and meet for your chlid’s GIEP. If your child’s GIEP comes due in the second half of the school year, you will be hearing from me via email shortly to schedule that appointment.

As always, if you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out to me via phone (717) 445-8600 x7129 or email (  Your children are a joy!


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