Germanys Tour

There is so many things I want to do in Germany.Oh, There is the tour guide lets get started.Ok so the first thing on our list is the berlin wall. (TOUR GUIDER)   Did you know the falling of the Berlin wall was on November 9th 1989. (ME) Oh, excuse me why did the berlin wall fall down in the first place. (TOUR GUIDER) Good question, The berlin wall was taken down due to outside factors. It divided east Germany from west Germany.  (TOUR GUIDE)   Ok, so our next stop will be Brandenburg Gate. So you might ask what is the Brandenburg Gate. Well, the Brandon burg gate is a city gate in Berlin.  (ME)  Question when did the Brandenburg Gate get build.  (TOUR GUIDER) 1788 to 91.

2 thoughts on “Germanys Tour

  1. Dear Arianah,

    You’re attending school in the US and, due to your fluency, I assume you’re American (I also accessed other blog posts). Any particular reason for choosing Germany? Maybe relatives from this Western European country? It’s a huge and beautiful country, I can tell you that, but I’ve never been to Berlin (just Hamburg, Stuttgart, Essen, Duesseldorf…), so I would have liked to read more of this interview .
    Best wishes to your blog and visit to Berlin.
    Teacher Alex

  2. April 25,2019 at 9:38

    Dear Alexandra,

    Thank you for visiting my blog! But why I actually chose Germany was because I like how they speak and how they live and a long time ago my ancestors use to live there.You were right I do live in america.I Do wish to go to Berlin.Last thing I will write more about Germany. Thankyou

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