January 19

free choice

I’m going to talk about summer.

Summer my fav time of the year because its warm you get to go to the beach and get tan, you also have no school and no school means no stress. You can stay up as late as you want and wake up late, I also get more time to spend with my dance family. You also get more time with family and friends.

January 19

news article

Power of plants.

For a tall tree, slurping hundreds of liters of water each day up to its leaves or needles. Somehow overcome gravity and resistance from plant tissues. If plants in forest ecosystems had to tap their own energy stores rather than rely on evaporation to pump sap. I they’d need to expend about 14 percent of the energy they generated via photosynthesis, the researchers found.

January 19

news article

Plants, Science news.

Tropical forest help global warming temperature by 1 celsius. If we did not have plants, trees anything that’s green our forests would not be like how they are now. but sadly global warming is going up every single day, which means that there’s a lot of things dying and if animals don’t get the food they need they also die too.

January 16


My project was about teen stress, because people need to start taking it seriously. it’s a really bad thing and it’s not good for you at all.  It can affect so many things in your body and it can make you do things that you don’t wanna do.

January 16

News discussion

I chose articles about snakes in the amazon. They found a huge snake and a very poisonous one. “research coordinator of the Sumak Kawsay In Situ field station in the eastern foothills of the Andes, stumbled across a small”

January 16

Book choice

The last book in the universe. is about a chillingly believable society in which books and storytelling have all but disappeared, leaving people cut off from their past and therefore from the future. I chose it because the title seemed cool and i like books that seem mysterious.