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spring/easter brake

My spring break was amazing it was so fun i got to do a lot of stuff lets start it out with thursday probably the most exciting first i was playing video games and then went outside and played basketball with my friends and then I went to site and sound it was so fun i go to see Jesus and Mary and Joseph and Peter, Mark and a lot more.it was so fun they did stuff in slow motion and they made the water look realistic and they made it feel like your in the play by puting winds in the andeans and i got to see birds and pigs and llamas and a couple more. Than on friday i went outside and played baseball and then it started raining and i was still out there for like 4 more minutes and then i went back out when it was not raining and i played more baseball and it started to rain some more but then i cept playing and it started pouring and than i 1v1 my neighbor i won and i was socked and i got a shower and then i got to have a sleepover with Daulton and we stayed up to 12 at night and we played video games the whole night and we had fun then on saturday i played more baseball and then went to my aunt for diner and we ate some chicken and then i surprised my cousin because they live like 5 minutes away and we went home and then i play night basketball then i went to sleep and the next morning i watched a movie and my dad went and got sheets for breakfast and then i went outside to play basketball and then my grandma came for easter and that was fun then i hid eggs for my cousin who came and then she came and found them and we played a lot and then we made a lemonade stand and we got people and it was a easter special so it was free and we like doing that and then we went to sleep and in the morning my dad was sick and then i got ready for school. and that was my easter break thanks for reading.

quote of the week

“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”

~ Albus Dumbledore (JK Rowling in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)

What that means to me is if your sad than you can be happy with a light in your heart like if you have a nightmare you can go to your moms room and talk about or if your at school and your mad or sad you can talk with a friend or a teacher or even a counselor if your at home and you have your dad mom grandma grandpa or sibling you can talk to than do it. And at my school we have announcements and at the end of them they say the choice is yours and that is important in this quote because the choice is yours so what that’s saying is you have a choice it can be to have a good day or bad bad day because that a choice that you got to make to be a good student in that day because in this quote it either say have a dark day or have a light day. and this is the quote of the week and what ti means to me.

does this fit in the garden

So in the poem there is  this little girl and her grandpa and they have a garden with flowers and she has to see if they should pick it because it was bendy smooth and it has a tall stack and they thought it was weed but no it was a beautiful white flower. So then it goes along and the girl saw it and wanted to keep it and then she said to her grandpa “ can we keep it.” and the grandpa nodded his head back.

beach v mountains

     I think beach is better because

I am a cold person and on the mountain it is cold and on the beach it is a warm day and you can relax in the water and if your like me i love the ocean because the ocean you can go through the wave and you can ride the waves and the bay can be fun to you can cook out on the the sand have an umbrella  up but the only thing i think mountains are better is because there are less bugs on the mountain. When i go to the bay i like to sit on the boat and relax and ones i just told my dad to keep me occupied is to tell him what i would buy if i was a billionaire. And that is why I think the beach is better than mountains.    

Would you want to go

                                                        Would I want to go to siberia                                                                                                                             


I would not because it is really cold there and it is nagidivere like 55 fahrenheit so that is one reason. The other one is you have to go outside to use the restroom that’s another reason. And i wouldn’t  like to wear a jacket and all the warm stuff all the time. From america i wouldn’t like to fly all the way to russia if it is that cold. And that’s why I would not want to go to siberia.

Quote of the week

the quote is. It is our choices Harry that make us who we truly are far more than our abilities.”By Professor Dumbledore from Arthur J.K. Rowling.And what that means to me is so it is we make who we are we talk to be mean or nice we cantull are actions which we need to do that means what ever we do is a ability for example if you say something mean you are capable of being mean if you say something nice than your capable of being nice.

Quote of the week is!!!!

The Quote of the week is a good one it is You’ve Braver than you believe and Stronger than you seem, and Smarter than you think. By the story winnie the pooh and what that means to me is you can doubt yourself  it is more important to believe in yourself than doubt yourself it’s more important to be braver than let people say you can do that it is more important to think you stronger than let people say your not it is more important to say your Smarter than you say you aren’t.you can just be you and you are better than half of the other people because they let their time go by saying to people your not good enuf for this or that you just got to think you are. and that is what I think about this quote of the week.

Quote of the week

The quote of the week is The moment Doubt Whether you can fly, You cease forever To Be Able To Do It by Peter pan By J.M. Barrie .So what that means to me is if you don’t stop trying than you will finally get it. so you basically never give up  because it is saying the moment you give up you can’t get it anymore but if you keep trying than your finally get it. And that is the quote of the week and what I think about it.

are quote of the week

Are quote of the week is words are in my not -so-humble opinion our most inexhaustible source Magic ~Albus Dumbledore and what that means to me is what ever your good at is what you got to keep doing because in their story they do magic and they keep practicing and they get better. So where we live we need to get better at what we are good at.

fair or not

I don’t think it’s fair that kids st louis that are black don’t get what white people get it’s not fair we need to help kids have the same thing we do we need to fix their pipes the rich schools should help them out  because they are dying with this water that has that has lead in it so other people have to help.


I think they should start a fun rather for the school and it said in the article that white parents with money are not affected by how well poor black people are.


 We all need to help each other out so know one would get sick so we need to give the good water.

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