Cat is so sneaky

Once on a very sunny day Lucy and Gavin were stuck inside when all there friends played outside. Why were they stuck inside they have bin grounded for breaking a vase. ” good-bye kids i’m going to the store don’t go outside” mom said as she waved good-bye. Lucy and Gavin sat by the window watching there friends play. All of a sudden they here a loud knock, they do not answer but the knocking just does not stop. They finally open the door and see a tall cat they take a long look, and then they faint. Later when the Gavin and Lucy woke up everything in the house was gone! “Lucy what are we going to do!” asked Gavin “I don’t know mom will be home in one hour” Lucy said ” I know we have to do some detective work” Gavin said in a serious voice”OK” Lucy said. So they set off to find that cat. ” There he is Lucy” Lucy screamed   they ran up to him “hello little children” the Cat said in a calm voice “why did you steel everything in our house” Gavin asked “I did not steel your stuff when you fainted i moved to your neighbors and I cleaned  your house” The cat said “oh were sorry cat.” So the kids went home sadly. When mom came home she was so impressed because the house was sparkling so she let them go play with there friends. The End

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