My Favorite Season!

My favorite season is Winter Because I can just go outside and see all of this amazing                 snow and start to make a snow forts, snowmen, snowballs, and secret bases in the snow.             when I go outside and see the snow the first thing I always say is “Hey Caleb you have               got to see this.” and the first thing we do is  ask if we can go outside and play in the                       snow, and that’s why my favorite season is Winter!!!

One thought on “My Favorite Season!

  1. Really Joshua? I never knew that Winter was your favorite season? That’s pretty awesome! I enjoy watching all of you kids play in the snow. I love snowy days too but, my favorite things to do are to drink tea, hot chocolate, watch movies and snuggle up by the fire. I wonder if our new puppy will like the snow.?!

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