The Mysterious Watermelons Chapter 2


Posted by smuckebes | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on May 1, 2018

The Mysterious Watermelons
Continuing… finally he stopped and was ten feet tall they all ran back into the cave were the queen and king were but they were not the same as the other melon people they spoke english. They said to them that they need to stop their evil son who stole powers from his parents then they turned to chris and said think of 3 super powers you want and remember never use them for bad things. So chris thought hard and then said He wants super speed, super smart and shape shifting and orange, green and blue stripes floated around chis and he found out he could run fast know everything and turn into animals . The queen and king said good and turned to Hayden. They said the same thing they said to chris and hayden said he wanted laser beams would come out of his body, super strength and he could teleport and red, white and black stripes started to twirl around him and he found out that he could stretch far shoot lasers out of his eyes and lift humongous boulders. And finally they turned to nick and said the same thing and nick said he wanted superfly, invisibility and hypnotic powers and purple, brown and orange stripes rotated around him and he had the powers. The king and queen said the are know the mighty melons. Then they got geared and they got nicknames. Chris was known as animungi and he got a electric blue uniform and a blue suit for relaxed time. Nic is known as the scicic and got a slashed orange uniform and a orange suit for other times. And Hayden is known as the Melon man an he got a suit with melons on it and got a green and red suit. And they we finally were ready to fight the evil melon giant. So first animungi shaped shifted into a ant and went under the melon boss and turned into a elephant and hit him with his tusks knocking him out and then melon man came and tied him up and then nick put him to sleep with his powers and while he was asleep the dug a cell to hold him and kept him away from food and when he woke up he was normal size and he was furious when he found out what they did to them and chris left a little toy to keep him company. When they defeated the boss they went home and the got dressed in their suits and while nick and hayden were getting dressed they heard a scream and then their mom came up yelling that there was a tarantula in the sink and then they knew it was chris and then chris came up and went into the room that they were in and told mom not to scream and he shape shifted into a tortoise and nick hypnotize chris to hug mom and hayden shot a laser beam at nick. Mom was so surprised and they had to explain everything and all of their powers. To be continued…

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