The Mysterious Mansion—Chapter 1 Book 2—Mystery Michael Series

CHAPTER 1: Suspicious Stranger

“I’ll get it,” Bill said. He got up and walked over to the phone. “Yes?” he asked. “Hi. I’m George Frohim. Are you Michael Refith?” George said. “No,” Bill said, “but Michael is here with me.” “Can you get him for me? I need to talk to him,” George said. “Yep, I’ll get him right now,” Bill said. “Michael! It’s for you.” “Yes, I’m coming,” Michael said as he got up and walked to the phone. Bill handed the phone over. “Yes?” Michael said. “Michael. I need you over here right now. I was walking to my friend’s house. When I got there, I knocked on the door, but no one answered. So then I looked in the windows, but all the lights were off.” “Ok, wait,” Michael said, I’ll be coming to your house as soon as I know your name.” “My name is George Frohim,” George said. “Ok,” Michael answered, “I’ll be right there.”


The Mysterious Mansion—Introduction Book 2—Mystery Michael Series


Meet Mystery Michael. He is a detective. In the previous book “The Funny Fright,” Bill Hisdom went fishing, sets his fish on the porch overnight, and the next morning his fish is gone along with his dog! Bill calls Michael and he’s on the case! Read it to find out what happens next. Now, Michael is enjoying dessert with Bill and Joseph, Bill’s friend, and suddenly, his phone starts ringing.

The Funny Fright—Chapter 7 Book 1—Mystery Michael Series

CHAPTER 7: Funny Fright

As Michael was walking back to Bill’s house, he heard some growling, so he stopped. More growling, but this time, it was louder. “Well,” Michael said to himself, “standing here won’t do anything, so I might as well keep going.” He heard one more growl, this time louder and closer than the others. But he continued walking anyway. Then, while he was walking, something ran through his legs and tripped him! He fell face forward and landed in some fish. “Huh?” he thought. “How did these get here?” Then he remembered, he was looking for the thing that stole Bill’s fish! Then he heard more growling, getting closer all the time. So Michael turned around slowly, afraid to see what it was.

By the time he had fully turned around, he had his hands covering his eyes. He slowly uncovered his eyes, still afraid to see what it was. Then, when his eyes were fully uncovered, he was straining his eyes, wondering if it actually was what he saw. “Shadow,” he called. “Here boy!” Shadow growled. Michael got up to get Shadow by the collar when he realized it: fish in the woods, on the ground, and there were some even in Shadow’s mouth! “Well, at least I know what got the fish and where Shadow is,” Michael thought to himself. He got Shadow’s collar and led him to the front of Bill’s house. “Hey, Bill!” he called. “I found the fish and your dog!” He heard the door slam and saw Bill running out of his house.

“Really!?” he asked. “Yep,” Michael replied. “All it was is that Shadow must have got the fish during the night, and hid with them in the woods.” “Wow,” Bill said. “Well, thanks for everything you did for me. And, by the way, would you like to come over for dinner with me and Joseph?” “Sure,” Michael said. “I’d be delighted. What time?” “How about, 5:00?” Bill said. “Sounds good to me,” Michael replied. “Well, goodbye! See you at 5:00!” Michael drove away. When he got home, he wrote on April 25, FOUND BILL’S DOG AND FISH. “One mystery down, four more to go,” Michael said to himself. “I’ve got to get this done!”

My School Day

In this post I am going to tell you about some of my school day. I get to my school mostly by the bus and sometimes my mom takes me in her van. Our timetable is that first, we arrive at school at 8:45 AM, and we go into our homeroom and unpack. Then at 9:10 AM, we switch to Intervention/ELA/Writing. Third, at about 11:35 AM, we go to special. There are 5 different classes, and each one we have once a week. They are art, music, library, PE, and STEM. Then at 12:25 PM we go to lunch, and at 12:50 PM we go to recess. We come in for inquiry at 1:10 PM and go to math at 1:45 PM. Then we go back to our homeroom and pack up at 3:20 PM and leave at 3:30. I have a different teacher for each room. I do not get to choose what a learn. The technology we use is computers, cameras, and speaker. That is my school day.