My School Day

In this post I am going to tell you about some of my school day. I get to my school mostly by the bus and sometimes my mom takes me in her van. Our timetable is that first, we arrive at school at 8:45 AM, and we go into our homeroom and unpack. Then at 9:10 AM, we switch to Intervention/ELA/Writing. Third, at about 11:35 AM, we go to special. There are 5 different classes, and each one we have once a week. They are art, music, library, PE, and STEM. Then at 12:25 PM we go to lunch, and at 12:50 PM we go to recess. We come in for inquiry at 1:10 PM and go to math at 1:45 PM. Then we go back to our homeroom and pack up at 3:20 PM and leave at 3:30. I have a different teacher for each room. I do not get to choose what a learn. The technology we use is computers, cameras, and speaker. That is my school day.

4 thoughts on “My School Day

  1. Hi, Elijah!

    My name is Mrs. Wohlafka, and I am a commenter for Student Blogging Challenge.

    What is inquiry?

  2. That’s cool. My school is very different then mine. At my school we go to a class called team. Then after that we will go to our next classes. Everyone’s classes are picked at random. We start school at 8 and it ends at 2:52. Each class is 45 minutes long and usually only has work for half the class time unless it is math or some days in tech like this one.

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