The Time I Won A Best Of Show Ribbon At The Fair

Hi, my name is Elijah, and I am going to tell you about the time I won a best of show ribbon at the fair. It all started when me and my brothers were art class in Tennessee. We were all painting our own landscape picture, and when we were done, every one of my brothers agreed that mine was the best. I even kept on saying that it was going to get a best of show ribbon at the fair! When we got back home, I couldn’t wait for the fair, even though it was several months away. By the time that we were on the road to the fair several months later, I was so excited! When we got there, I got right out of the car, telling the rest of my family to hurry up. When we finally went inside, I was doing a quick scan everywhere in the room, and it didn’t take long to find it. It was taped to the side of a shelf, with a best of show ribbon stuck to it! I told the others to come and see it, and they came and congratulated me. About 4 hours later, when it was time to go home, me and my brothers each got an envelope with money in it for the things we turned into the fair! I got $77, and the others got $93, $97, and $54. I was really happy when I got home. I actually had earned a best of show ribbon at the fair!