The Funny Fright—Book 1 Chapter 6—Mystery Michael Series

CHAPTER 6: What…Where…

Michael decided that he should get some exercise, so he drove his car back to Bill’s house and walked on over to Matthew’s house. When he got there, he knocked on the door. No one answered. He knocked again. Nobody. So then he looked inside. All the lights were off. Then Michael tried opening the door. It was locked. He went to the back door which he saw through the window. When Michael turned the knob, it opened. He walked inside and called, “Hello! Matthew Khei! Is anyone here!?” He listened. No answer.

“Wow,” Michael said. “This gives pretty much all the information I already need. He’s must be not here because he knows about me, so he went somewhere when he thought Bill would call me.” On the page that was titled Matthew, Michael wrote in capital letters: NOT AT HOME. “I need to hurry back to Bill so we can investigate farther and find out who is stole the dog and fish!” Michael exclaimed.


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