Monthly Archives: January 2017



The Rock Family Part 2. Happy Birthday Amy! :)

    Today, on 2064 Merrington Lane it was January 3rd, 16 days before Amy’s 4th birthday! That morning while Amy, Drew and John were sleeping Mama asked Papa if they should have a birthday party for Amy.


       Papa replied, “Yes, we should. But who would we invite?” “ How about those little girls, Matilda, Victoria, Jillian, Paige, Lillian, Hermione, Nancy, Bess, Cynthia, Ally, Ginny and Megan from Amy’s preschool?” said Mama. “Oh good idea!” said Papa, “You”ll have to call the teacher and ask for the parent’s phone number.” “Ok.” said Mama, “ I’ll call Ms. Mandy later.” “Should this be a surprise party?” asked Papa. “ Why not?” replied Mama, “I’ll tell Drew and John when they wake up for school.” “Hi Mama. Hi Papa.” Drew and John chorused. “Did…” Mama started. “Yes, we heard.” said Drew. “You won’t……” Mama started again. “Why would you think we would tell Amy?” said John. “Just checking.” said Mama. “Go get ready for school.” said Papa. Drew and John go to Potter school on Gridley Lane and are in 6th grade and Amy goes to Playful Preschool on Sader Road.


      A few hours later when Mama thought it was an appropriate time to call Ms. Mandy and Amy was playing with her toys, she called the number 149-456-2637 and Ms. Mandy answered. “What can I do for you, Matilda?” she said. “Well, I’d like the phone numbers of Rebecca S, Victoria A, Jillian A, Paige R, Lillian K, Hermione G, Nancy D, Bess M, Cynthia Z, Ally A, Ginny W and Megan F. “Ok. That”s a lot of people. Why exactly do you need the phone numbers though?” said Ms. Mandy. “I’m having a surprise birthday party for Amy.” replied Mama. “Ok, I hope you have a long piece of paper with you.” said Ms. Mandy. “I’m ready.” said Mama.


      “Ok. Rebecca’s number is 149-353-7585. Victoria’s is 149-574-3646. Jillian’s is 149-857-4646. Paige’s is 149-253-7634. Lillian’s is 149-758-4978. Hermione’s is 149-454-9605. Nancy’s is 149-419-0798. Bess’s is 149-364-8656. Cynthia’s is 149-474-0784. Ally’s is 149-090-3758. Ginny’s is 149-849-7367. Megan’s is 149-218-8619. Is that everyone you need?” said Ms. Mandy. “Yes.” said Mama, “Thank you Ms. Mandy. I’ll be calling a lot of people tomorrow.” “See you tomorrow at preschool.” said Ms. Mandy. “Bye.” said Mama. “Bye.” Ms. Mandy replied. Mama told herself before she got on the phone that she would call everyone tomorrow while Amy was preschool.


      When Amy went to preschool, Mama called the parents of all the girls to see if they could come to the birthday party. They could! When Amy was picked up from preschool by Mama, after she got strapped into her carseat she asked, “What are we doing for my birthday, Mama?” “We can’t go anywhere this year because everyone is so busy. I have to go to the Preschool Council Meeting, Papa has to write a report for his work and Drew and John have the GTOK’s to study for.” Mama said. Doing what the family had to do for Amy’s birthday wouldn’t take a long time except for the meeting that Mama had to go to. She decided that she would bring Amy with her to the meeting while Drew, John and Papa get the house ready for the surprise party. The family was having the guests arrive at 11:30 and then Mama would bring Amy home at 12:00. Then everyone would have enough time to arrive and hide. When they were hidden Papa, Drew and John would start doing something unsuspicious in the Dining Room where the front door is and then when Mama and Amy got home, Papa would put Amy on his shoulders and then everyone would jump out and yell, “SURPRISE!” and Amy would be thrilled. “OK” said Amy sadly, “Will we still have cake?” “Yes, Amy.” said Mama, “What kind do you want?” “Chocolate with Rainbow Sprinkles, Candy Canes, Hershey Kisses, Twizzlers, Butterfingers, Kit Kats, Baby Ruth, Dots, M&Ms, Jolly Ranchers, Tootsie Rolls, Oreos, Milky Ways, Crunches, Almond Joys, Skittles, Air Heads, Starburst, Twix and Candy Corn!!” said Amy, definitely overexcited. “Too much sugar. Way too much sugar. Sorry Amy. You can choose 1 candy for your cake.” said Mama. “2?” asked Amy. “1.” said Mama. “1 and Rainbow Sprinkles?” asked Amy again. “Ok. 1 and Rainbow Sprinkles.” Mama replied, “Which candy do you want?” “Candy Corn, Candy Corn, CANDY CORN!” Amy replied. “We’ll get some Candy Corns at Rebecker’s Store on 2nd Street. They headed to Rebecker’s and bought some candy corn. The trip home was uneventful.


   Finally, the big day. January 19th! Mama took Amy to the Preschool Council Meeting at 9:00, while Drew, John and Papa put up decorations for the surprise birthday party. At around 11:30

Rebecca, Victoria, Jillian, Paige, Lillian, Hermione, Nancy, Bess, Cynthia, Ally, Ginny and Megan started to arrive at 2064 Merrington Lane . Then when they came all the kids hid and the parents left so they didn’t make it known that there were other people in the house beside Drew, John and Papa. At 12:02 Amy and Mama pulled into the driveway. When they came in and they got the cue of Amy being lifted onto Papa’s shoulder everybody yelled “SURPRISE!” The look on Amy’s face was to surprised that you wouldn’t be able to even imagine it. Then they brought over the present and the cake and started singing in a chorus, “Happy Birthday to YOU! Happy Birthday to YOU! Happy Birthday dear Amy. Happy Birthday to YOU!” Then Amy blew out the candles and started tearing away at the wrapping paper on the first present that she could reach. This is what Amy got for her birthday:


Colorful Pen

From: Lillian



From: Cynthia


A New Series of Books (Zip & Zap)

From: Victoria


From: Bess


Crayons & Sketchbook

From: Ally


Humongous Ball

From: Nancy


Stuffed Dolphin

From: Paige


Plastic Bracelets

From: Rebecca


Hair Ribbons & Nail Polish

From: Hermione


A 24-piece Puzzle

From: Cynthia


D.I.Y Jewelry

From: Ginny



From: Megan


Stuffed Starfish

From: Mama


Stuffed Whale

From: Papa


Homemade Board Game

From: Drew and John


    Amy said, “This is the best birthday ever!” She ran around playing with her friends until it was time for them to go. Amy said thank you to everyone for coming and for the presents.

     When the mess was cleaned up, Amy had played with all her toys and she was ready for bed she said, “Thank You Mama. Thank You Papa. That was the best birthday party ever!” “You’re welcome Amy.” said Mama, “Happy Birthday.” “Happy Birthday.” said Papa. “Good night.” said Amy. “Good night.” said Mama and Papa together, “See you in the morning.” “Ok.” said Amy, “Night.” “Night.” said Papa. Then Mama turned off the light and went downstairs. That day was a good day for everyone. A little while later everyone was in bed, snoring.

   The End



Want to read the first part go to:

The Rock Family- Part 1… ChRiStMaS!!

My V.R. Experience To The Amazon Rainforest!

When I was experiencing V.R.  I got to see the Amazon Rainforest!  The Amazon Rainforest is really cool. It has tall trees and a lot of plants and animals live there.  When I was in V.R. I got to see the tall trees and a humongous amount of water.  Then I got to see how people travel on the Amazon River.  They use canoes and speedboats.

I also saw a little village were the kids go to school and where they go to church.  The village is not big but they have a park were the kids can play after school or after church.  I also saw a big field which could be for American football or American soccer.

That was my experience of the Amazon!


The Big Not So Awful Wolf And Three Smart Pigs!

By: Courtney and Emmanuel


Once upon a time there was a big  not so awful wolf.  He saw three little smart pigs.  He then wanted to ask them for some butter for his corn, so he went off to ask.  It took him hours to reach them, but then he finally came and he had no strength left in him.  So he will ask for some food too ( And maybe a drink.)  The three little pigs noticed him and they started to scream! AAAAAAHHHHHHH! And then the wolf ran away. ( Without any food or a drink. )   Then when the wolf got home he was really tired, and he got a drink and then took a nap.  Then the pigs passed the wolf’s house they DUCT TAPED the door shut!


When the wolf woke up he saw that the door was duct taped shut.  He knew the pigs did it so, he went after them to see why they did it.  When he reached their houses they all locked the door shut and didn’t make a peep.  Then the wolf knocked on the door and the pigs went CRAZY! They ran out the back door and ran as far as possible away from the wolf.


Once the pigs ran out of breath they all made their own homes.  When they were done with their houses the wolf found them, then the wolf knocked on the first pig’s house made out of plastic straws.  When the wolf knocked on the door the house fell apart and the pig ran into the next pig’s house, then the wolf knocked on the next pig’s house made out of sticks.  Then when he knocked on the door the house fell apart, then the two pigs ran into the third pig’s house made out of bricks.  Then the wolf comes up and knocks on the door and “asked anybody in there?”  The pigs stayed quiet and didn’t make a peep.  But then the one pig sneezed.  Then the wolf said “I will not do any harm I just want some butter and some friends.”


And then the pigs had a meeting and they said that he could come in.  Then the wolf came in with a lot of corn and the pigs made a roast beef, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, and can’t forget about the gravy and butter.  Then the pigs and the wolf had a big feast, and the wolf even got to cut the roast beef.  I guess wolves and pigs were meant to be friends.


     The End!