May 9

Say Hello To… DOG

Hi guys! And today I am going to tell you some facts I learned about dogs. First of all, they are the world’s most favorite pet right now. They’re are many breeds of dogs like, Boxers,Golden Retrievers,Labs,Basset Hounds, and many more. Dogs can be found all over the world. Dogs can actually save lives and they can sniff out cancer. Dogs Lucy

have a very good sense of smell and they are very protective. Also, if they see you are sad because they can sniff out your feelings, then they will try to make you feel better. So as you can see even though dogs are the worlds second most popular pets they are still very good pets.

May 8

Say Hello To Cat

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Aren’t cats just so cute! I love them so much they are just cuties. They are very cuddly and very friendly and to make them look cuter they even purr. I mean c’mon they can’t get any cuter then this right! Look at it

May 4

The Tale Of The Two Moon Sisters

There are many tales told but yet, the tale of the 2 moon sisters have not.

Once upon a time lived the queen of the crystals, she ruled the crystal palace. She always loved to go to the amazing epic wonders to think, then out of nowhere the king of phantoms made his way in. The queen became very scared. Then, the king of phantom’s said “i won’t hurt you I would never, who are you anyway” surprised he wouldn’t hurt her she replied “I am the queen of the crystals I rule the crystal palace. After they realized they had to live together in harmony forever. Then after a while they gave birth to two beautiful daughters they’re names where crystal and the other was named swirls. Then the queen became very sick and died and same happened to there dad too. They were all sad but continued to rule the crystal palace then one day Princess swirl said to princess crystal “I feel very strange”. The next day Princess Swirl went down to their basement to talk to their father and said ”I feel your way and will continue to rule the phantoms but they will attack jama”. The next day when Princess Crystal was just ruling the palace like normal Princess Swirl came up and said very loud “ATTACK” she got very scared and said “sister why are you doing this you are better than this” “no i’m not!” she replied. Then out of nowhere Princess Swirl declared a fight. So then they began to fight. Then Princess Crystal pulled it off. They both decided it was time to be good. So they were nice and Princess Swirl never ever became evil again.


The End

May 1

That night thinking about the cats that were falling from the The girls were all confused from the cat just all the sudden falling from the sky. So they decided to stay inside for a little while hoping that the cats would stop falling from the sky. They all went outside to roast marshmallows. When Leah’s mom was inside getting something another cat fell straight sky. Also, in the morning they decided to investigate. So they took a step outside. They saw another cat falling from the sky. Then, as soon as they saw it they ran inside as fast as they could. So they thought that the cats were really coming from space, from the planet Venus. They kept on getting more and more curious about the whole cat fiasco thing. They really wanted to find out more.

Chapter 3
When the girls saw another cat. They made their final decision. They were going to go to space and find out what was happening. So the three girls got in their space suits and got in there rocket and flied to space on Venus. Then they flew onto planet Venus.  When they got there they saw an alien. This alien was evil he was looking for them. After, out of nowhere Leah stepped up ans said “looking for us” “yes I am, and where did you come from”. We came from the planet of Earth”.  Then he explained that he hated the planet earth because something awful happened to him while living on planet earth so he gave up and found Venus and started doing bad stuff to other people because he felt bad about himself and he wanted to make himself feel better. After the explanation all three the girls told him to stop and right after with a cat The alien threw the girls off of Venus. They found themselves back on earth. They wanted to go back up to fight the alien. They were on tense to find out more. So they decided to try the next day. Luckily, they’re parents  let them stay all weekend which still had 3 days left of the weekend because of spring break. Then, they were allowed to stay together all weekend because they’re parents wanted them to have a special treat.

Chapter 4

The girls went back up to Venus to fight this alien. After, they went up the alien saw them again and rolled his eyes. Then the girls replied, “were back” “I can see that” replied back the alien. Then the girls all said “stop it this is not very nice, if you don’t stop we have no choice but to fight you”. Surprised, the alien said “ok I will stop but please don’t hurt me” we won’t” said the girls back so they asked the alien “what is your name”? “Terreance” “ok so would you like to come live down in earth again” “sure!” Then they went down in earth and showed him around and showed people he was good. Then they all forgave Terrance

The End

April 25

Cats On Venus

Leah had just got home from school. She was very exhausted from just taking the PSSA’s. She was very excited because in like 30 minutes her favorite cousins, Lila and Ella were going to spend the night. Then thirty minutes later she heard the door bell. “ring”. She ran to do  the door as fast as a race car. As soon as she saw them she started to jump up in down they all did their happy dance. They all decided to go outside and play together since it has been so long since they saw each other. Then out of nowhere they saw a cat falling from the sky directly at them. They moved immediately. None of them were hurt, thankfully, but all of them were confused why that cat falling from the sky was falling towards them. They decided to just forget about it and go inside. So they went inside to do some girly stuff. Then, later that night they went outside to roast marshmallows. Then another cat was falling from the sky right at them again so they didn’t know what was going on….

To Be Continued…

April 11

What invention should be univented

The one invention that I think should be univented are guns. First of all, they are very loud, they are annoying, they hurt people if not usen correctly.

I think they should be uninvented is because they are very loud. People (like me) don’t want to listen to them all day. They are very distracting. And last of all, they keep people from getting their sleep they deserve. Also, they can be used to kill and used for robbery and for them to get away with it. 

Another reason why I think that the invention of the gun should be univented is because they are also so annoying again I do not want to be up all night listening to Boom! Boom! Boom! Also, you do not really need guns you can just use a bow and arrow to hunt for food like the olden days. Guns are very strong and can usually kill animals and sadly people. I mean it would not be fun being responsible for someone’s death at all. 

The last reason why I think that guns should be univented is because they are used incorrectly these days and people use them to get away with robbery and for the wrong reasons. I think that they should be banned all together and who ever is hiding one should go to jail. I know what gund sound like and its really loud and annoying. Both sides of my neighbors shoot and targets and man does it get annoying they do it like five or more times in a row. 

So as you can see I think guns should be univented. They are loud. They are annoying. And they are very distracting. So I hope you can see that guns should be banned.


April 6

Meet My Friend Kayla!

Hello everyone and today I want you to meet my best friend named Kayla, and yes I know that I have a sister named Kayla but I also have a best friend named Kayla so any way…

Me: what is your favorite color

Kayla: Blue

Me: mine is purple

oh well it is time to go so see you later

to be continued.