December 1

Hypnoteye chapter 7

Chapter 7:Now Eye Have Know Clue What to do! Now that they have the thing we were looking for, a shark came roaring towards them, so now they are clueless of what to do, and a shark is coming to put them out of there misery. When the shark was fifty yards away they were scared as ever. Each of them were thinking how are we going to get out of here.

Then the shark opens his jaws and then a person came out of nowhere and punched the shark in the jaw and said “Are you okay?” said the man. “Yes we are okay, thank you. What is your name?” They replied. “My name is Joseph, what are yours?” said Joseph. “Well this is a friend of ours that we met named Amy, and this is my friend from school, named Max. My name is Toby.” Toby said. “Nice to meet you Toby.” After that the shark woke up and ran away.” Little did they know there was another shark hiding in the corner watching. “What I can not believe is there are ten more guarding this book.”

Toby thought for a second and said, “We could use some help getting that book. We have been looking for it.” said Toby. “Why do you want it? Is it important?” replied Joseph. “YES!!!!!!! Well it is a book that I lost when I was swimming here a while ago studying the sea life.” replied Toby. He finally decided to come and help them get passed the sharks. When they went about a yard forward, the shark behind them that was hiding attacked them, and missed everyone, so he punched him in the snout again, and nothing happened so they were swimming away from this shark, With the shark chasing after them. “This book better be worth it.”

Joseph said. “Oh it will definitely be good enough for this if we even get it.” said Max. So they kept on swimming away from the shark. Even when they swam as hard as they could the shark kept on catching up till he was right on there heels. He takes a bite right out of the something and there was blood everywhere the shark went. He had caught a huge fish so easily. “We must only hope the shark does not come back for more” said Toby. They knew if they did not get moving they would be sitting ducks if the shark comes back, so they left that spot in well right away.

Posted December 1, 2017 by martin52q in category Hynoteye

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