#STUBC17 Week 9 Blog Challenge: The Mysterious Latch

The Mysterious Latch

By Kane L



One day two kids were play outside and noticed a really cool bike next to the road.  They walked over to it and they tried to take it.  Then… SNAP!  They touched the petals and they fell onto a slide that leads to a room.  They didn’t know how to get out and they could go back up the slide because it was so slippery.  Then an ancient scroll fell from the ceiling, and it said, The Mysterious Latch on the front of it. They opened it up and it said… “You must travel through the Hidden Jungle, past the Lake Of Doom, over the Disaster Mountains, and through the Deadly Tunnel to find the latch of freedom.  What is this latch about.  Could it be a latch to danger if there is a trick one, or could there be one that is safe and leads us to our freedom.  So they set off on their mysterious journey.


Ok This is going to be tough, but we need to get out of here.  So They went through the Hidden Jungle, past the Lake Of Doom, climbed the Disaster Mountains, and past through the Deadly Tunnel.  They finally got to the end of the journey, or is the end.  So they pulled the latch that they saw first and they fell… BANG!  Then they looked around and there was another scroll on the ground.  It once again said The Mysterious Latch on the front.  They opened it and it said… “It looks like you have pulled the wrong latch and you have fell to the bottom of this hole, but there may be something that is not so bad.”  They looked to their left and they saw an ancient tunnel that had a secret language and weird pictures and people have drawn.  They got to the end of the tunnel and they saw a huge pile of gold.  But they had to get passed a long row of booby traps.  BANG, BOOM, SLICE, POW POW.  They just barely got passed.  And know they got all that GOLD!  They found some bags to put the gold in and then they left through a long tunnel similar to the last.  When they got to the end of the tunnel there was another latch they pulled the latch and big nets grabbed the gold and a door opened.  Then they walked out and they saw their houses.  They ran to them and never tried to take a bike again.


  1. bracken846 · May 30, 2017 at 1:32 pm ·

    hey!!!! Kane this is Madix I really like your story I like how you made this story long and interesting. I wish you could have took us threw what there journey was like, like going over the mountains or passing the jungle and all the animals that were in there. I wonder how you came up with this story ok got to run bye cousin.

  2. leaman126 · May 31, 2017 at 1:25 pm ·

    Bye cousin and I really just picked up an idea from nowhere and I wrote it. And I wanted to go through that to but you can’t just jump into a story… or can you. BYE COUSIN!!!