Quote of the Week

This week’s quote spoke to me, because it reminded me of so many tornado survivors’s stories.  The quote was said by Sue Monk Kidd, “Stories have to be told or they die, and if stories die, we can’t remember who we are or why we’re here.”  So many tornado survivors are this quote.  They speak out their stories so they don’t die, and others can learn from the experience they endured.

Tornado 5000

Many tornado survivors have shared their stories on a TV show called Tornado Alley on The Weather Channel.  It is all about dangerous tornadoes and the people who lived through them.  On one episode was a woman who was at home with her two daughters.  As the tornado hit her house she laid over top of her children to keep them safe.  The tornado sucked her up into the air and threw her a few feet away.  When she landed a huge piece of debris landed on top of her legs.  She was bleeding from her head and had other injuries, but the biggest issue was she couldn’t move.  She wasn’t able to search for her daughters.  All she could do was call out and hope that they heard her.  Her daughters heard her and came running over.  They had minor injuries, because their mother had saved them.  She told them to get help, and they had to leave her behind.  When paramedics got to her they had to get her out from under the debris without further damaging her.

In the end, she lost one leg and they managed to salvage the other.  She now told her story to the world, so that everyone know what she went through.  By telling her story she wants to tell people why she’s here on this Earth.  She’s hear to tell her story and raise awareness for the danger of tornadoes, and how to protect yourself.  If she hadn’t shared her story than she wouldn’t have such a strong purpose for her life.

One thought on “Quote of the Week

  • Wow. This was an amazing story. It’s unfortunate that she lost her leg but it’s awesome that they could save the other. She such a strong person and I agree with this quote completely.

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