Cinderella Collab-Blog


After the 30 minute sneak peek of cinderella on Wednesday I became more interested in the production. I think the voices are amazing especially K Cheyanne Leid and Elizabeth Dorsheimer. Elizabeth when preforming made her voice a lot more like the voice of someone who you would fear. I also think the choreography is amazing especially during the end scene. I am going to the friday show and am looking forward to seeing the whole show and all the costumes. I have heard from members of the cast that the costumes are very heavy but are also very beautiful. I am also looking forward of the dress transformation. I would if you liked any part of the short sneak peak you should go see the play sometime from Friday to Sunday. The showtimes are  7:30 p.m. on friday,  2:30 and 7:30 p.m. on Saturday 2:30 p.m. on Sunday. If you have not already I recommend you  join one of the crews or the cast  if you have not already. I was on the paint crew this year and can say we had a lot of fun painting set.




You may be thinking: how does a musical have anything to do with the weather?  However it plays a crucial part.  Depending on the weather it affects the attendance.  If it’s pouring down rain people won’t have the energy to come and some people won’t want to walk through the rain.  An even bigger role the weather plays is through thunderstorms.  Some people have a major fear of lightning and thunder.  If it’s storming people can be afraid to walk through the storm to get to the door.  This can also lower attendance.  Another role the weather plays is snow.  Snow is a major deterrent to a play.  People don’t want to drive through the snow.  Depending on how much snow it can even close the roads and cancel the play.  Finally is severe weather.  Severe weather can destroy a play.  If they are calling for a tornado than no one will want to leave the house, and will be advised not to.  If the play is going on during a tornado then everyone will have to take shelter, and they won’t want to go to a play again.

Cinderella and Prince
However, our play should be fine.  The weather is looking good for the days the musical is being performed.  Hopefully the forecast will stay bright and we can all enjoy the amazing Cinderella performance.

2 thoughts on “Cinderella Collab-Blog

  • I really enjoyed the show I saw it last night! It was an amazing play I can’t wait to see the next play next year!

  • This was an amazing play. I got to work backstage and helped moving sets. It was such a fun time and I highly recommend seeing future shows or even getting involved with a crew. Even thought I never got to the see the final production on stage I saw every step of the way in rehearsals every night. We weren’t sure how we would do it but it turned out into a beautiful show. I’m glad you enjoyed it.

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