Should we have had off school?

Lillie –

I think we shouldn’t have had off school today because the roads weren’t bad this morning. Maybe instead of having off school we should have an early dismissal. As of now we haven’t had an early dismissal or any cancellation of after school activities other than open campus was cancelled for the seniors. GSPA was cancelled last night because of the oncoming storm so I’m not sure why we haven’t had a delay or some sort of early dismissal. There are a lot of schools already closing or they had a two hour delay this morning. By the end of class today we were informed of an early dismissal.


Me –

I believe we shouldn’t have had school off, but I believe we should have an early dismissal.  I believe we should have an early dismissal due to the time that the snow is supposed to be the heaviest.  The snow is supposed to be its worst in the afternoon/early evening.  If we head out at normal time then we will be out on the roads while the snow is starting to fall heavier.  Us high schoolers will probably be home before the snow falls too hard, but the elementary schoolers will be out in the worst of things.  The snow that we are receiving is being described as sticky, which means if the roads become cold enough the snow will stick fast to the surface.  This will create horrendous travel conditions for us.  If we don’t have an early dismissal then the super-intendent is risking the lives of children and teenagers.  Not only are the conditions going to become worse for bus drivers, but the teenagers who commute to school.  They will have to drive through the heaviest of the snow.  Most of them are inexperienced drivers and they have a high risk of crashing in the slippery road conditions.  For the safety of the students of Garden Spot High school, we need an early dismissal.  The weather is warning us that we need to get home before it worsens and that’s what we should do.


Summer –

I believe we should not have had school off or a delay but I believe we should have been dismissed at 12:30 if not earlier. I believe this because when we were arriving at school the snow was light and was not at that point was not setting on the ground and did not look like it would cause a major effect for the next few hours. I do not believe though that we should have stayed at school as long as we did. The snow was also supposed to get worse throughout the day and be the worst in the afternoon to early evening or around the time that we are dismissed from school. It got to the point the seniors did not have their open campus and at that point they should have also decided whether they were going to release us from school early and plan the schedule around that. If you find it too bad for students in cars to leave for a short time  why do they not also realize it is bad for the ones who ride the bus to go home and then decide to send them home early. Iit also go to the point before the end of our third block that every school around us had dismissals around 12:30 and we had not received any notifications about releasing us before the bulk of the storm had started. It took our school an hour after telling the seniors there was no open campus and shortly after almost every school had announced their early dismissal for them to announce our early dismissal at 1:30. The existence of weather warnings is for a reason and schools need to pay attention to this when planning days or during the days when dangerous weather exists.


2 thoughts on “Should we have had off school?

  • I completely agree the roads were bad enough to even consider closing school. plus who would want to make it up at the end of the year

  • I agree with all of you that we should have had an early dismissal because it was supposed to get worse later in the day when we were coming home.

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