Category Archives: Uncategorized

Annnnnnd……She’s Back!

Helllllllooo everyone! I am indeed back!;)  Yesterday would have been the first day of school for me, but since my siblings and I are  home schooled now, we had a Movie Marathon instead! It was fun. Anyway, that’s why I wasn’t able 2 post yesterday.   I now require myself to post at least one random posts per week. Don’t expect anything on Tuesdays, cuz I’ve got a lot going on Tuesdays. 

Ta Ta For Now

Hey Guys! I know I haven’t posted in a while. Sorry about that. As you probably know, summer can be busy. So, because of that I haven’t exactly had time to update/add posts. So, I’ve decided to take a break for the summer.

I’ve updated my playlist though, and it shouldn’t not play some of them. I’m fixing all of the videos that don’t work, and I’ll have some videos right here for entertainment. but, there probably won’t be any posts til the school year starts back up. Until then, in awhile crocodile. 🙂

Descendants TWO!!

The second Descendants movie is coming out THIS SUMMER!!!

So what I’ve found out (I can’t guarantee it will be this way when you watch the movie) But according to  what happens goes like this. Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay try to find their place in Auradon. But when being perfectly good becomes too much for Mal, she returns to being bad and goes back to the Isle of the Lost. At the Isle of the Lost, Mal’s archenemy Uma, daughter of Ursula, has taken over her role as “queen” of the island. Uma wasn’t happy, and still isn’t happy, that Ben didn’t choose her to go to Auradon. So she gets her pirate gang, including Captain Hooks son Harry and Gaston’s son Gil, into action, and gets them to try to break down the barrier once and for all and unleash all the villains stuck on the island.

Meanwhile, when Ben finds out that Mal left Auradon, he decides to go find her. Evie, Carlos, and Jay go with him to help, but fist they have to teach him how to be bad so he blends in and isn’t recognized.

It’s gonna be AWESOME!!!!!! (They look a lot different though ?)



Spoiler Alert!

MR.GEIMAN (My awesome 4th grade teacher) IS GONNA HAVE A DAUGHTER!!!!!!!! Her due date is June 14, but she might come sooner!!! At the ultrasound, Mr. Geiman’s wife and the nurse where talking , while Mr. Geiman was watching the screen, and then all the sudden he yelled “OH MY GOSH!! SHE’S MOONING US!!!!” Then the nurse and his wife looked up (cuz he yelled SUPER loud) and the nurse was like “Never in my 17 years of this career have I ever had this happen to me, but for you, I’ll take a picture.” And so now Mr. Geiman has a that picture on his phone.
