December 13

A sick horse

Once upon a time there was horse and her name was mist.Her mother loved her with all her heart.Mist and her mother lived on a farm and the farmer fed them every day.When mist was a baby her father had died.Mist was growing and growing until it was mist´s ninth birthday her mother had died from a really bad sickness.Her mother had 50% chance of of surviving and when a horse had that sickness they died.No horse had survived that sickness.Then one day mist got the sickness and she did not feel so well and she was now 16 years old.She was so sad that she had thought that she would not survive but she did survive the bad sickness. Mist had the sickness for 5 days and then she then thought that her mother would be very proud.Mist´s father also had the sickness as well so she had thought that when she is older that she could have a little pony of her own and let the pony know that she had survived a sickness that ran in the family had but if the father did not have a sickness then the little pony will have a 50% chance to not have the sickness.Then a couple years later she had a little baby and the baby did not have the sickness because the farmer had given the baby a check up.The farmer was so happy that the baby did not have the sickness and that mist had survived the sickness.Then mist and her family all got to run around in the country land.   THE END.

Posted December 13, 2017 by hillwortbbz in category Uncategorized

4 thoughts on “A sick horse

    1. hillwortbbz (Post author)

      Well her father past away because he was fighting another horse and then a guy came in and threw a sword at the father.

  1. vetterbb

    I loved that Mist survived the bad sickness, But i’m kinda sad that Mist’s mom and dad died from the bad sickness


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