Athena: Christine Ramirez; 18

Derek: Christian Ramirez; 13

Tate: Daryl Ramirez; 16

Brandon: Isaac Ramirez; 17

Year: 2020

Setting: New Mexico, going to Hawaii


“Hurry up losers! I’m going to Hawaii for my birthday, and you better hurry up if you want to come,” Christine yelled. “ WHAT! I haven’t even started packing! It’s not even my fault, mom packs my clothes for me! Just stop yelling,” Christian said sadly.  “I guess that means you aren’t coming” joked Christine.“NO! I REALLY WANT TO GO!” whined Christian. Christian started to cry because he really wanted to go “ It’s ok I bought tickets” Daryl said. “Um… how did you even get the money for that? Whatever. Just hurry up and pack, I need to get to those Hawaiian beaches… Aloha” Christine said happily. Then she got in her pink convertible and screeched off to the store because she forgot to get sunscreen, which is something they would definitely need.


“ Did she just leave without us?!” Isaac asked. “ I don’t think she would do that.” Daryl said hopefully. Isaac was almost done packing his bag, but he was thinking about unpacking it because he thought Christine left for Hawaii without them. Even though Christine was gone for a while, everyone still packed their bags, and by the time Christine was back, everyone was all ready to go. “ I told you she wouldn’t leave us.” said Daryl in a teasing way. “ Okay, fine, I was just nervous.” Isaac replied. “Hurry up dorks and get in the car, I didn’t drive all the way to the store for nothing.” yelled Christine at her brothers. They all got in the car and started to drive to the airport.


Christine and Isaac had decided that Christine would drive to the airport, and once they get to Hawaii Isaac would drive.  “Isaac can’t drive, he needs a licensed driver with him” Daryl said. “Oh, well I DON’T CARE, NOW SHUT IT I’M TRYING TO DRIVE!” “Okay guys, I think Christine needs to CALM DOWN!!!! AND LET SOMEONE ELSE DRIVE!!!!” Daryl said. “DIDN’T I TELL YOU TO SHUT IT? DO YOU WANT ME TO CALL MOM?” “Ok, I’m just going to walk there”. Daryl said. “Oh look a bus” Daryl said, then he got on. “Okay, well, now we have more car room!” said Christine, still shocked that he actually got on the bus.

Then she yelled out at him “SEE YOU AT THE AIRPORT, LOSER!”  and she drove off. “Sorry guys, I was asleep, what did I miss? Wait, where’s Daryl?” Christian asked. “Ummm… he’s in a better place now.” answered Christine. “What? He died?! NOOOOOO!!!!!,” “HE WAS MY BROTHER, WHY!? WHY? WHY?” Christian said solemnly. “ He’s not dead” said Isaac. “ He just decided to take the bus.” He added. “ Oh, right… I knew that.” Christian said. They were already almost at the airport, Christine was a very VERY reckless driver, she went as fast as she could, but none of her brothers minded. When they got to the airport the flight was about to leave. They couldn’t find Daryl, but they assumed he was already on the plane, so they got in their seats and looked for Daryl. They looked and looked, but they just couldn’t find him. Then Christine looked out her window at the other plane and she couldn’t believe what she saw! Daryl was on the wrong plane!


To Be Continued