Previously on The Shadow, The Shadow King sabotaged Ryan,  Ethan, and Herman while they were training. Ryan gets the three of them away from The King, but they want to find out what’s going on, so they decide to try to find where the armies base is. They check somewhere, but before they could reach their destination, they get stopped by a shadow soldier. They overheard him talking about the new queen, and how she really wants to get rid of “ The three brats”.


       Chapter 10: “ Do you think that the three brats he’s talking about is us?!” Ethan said anxiously “ Who else would he be talking about.” Ryan replied rhetorically. “ We need to find out about “ The Queen”, so we can have more information about what’s going on.” Herman said. They sat there quietly until the soldier walked off. Ryan, Ethan, and Herman continued to sneakily infiltrate the enemy’s base.


      Once they were inside the base they walked casually around it, even though they got a few suspicious looks from the other soldiers. When they were questioned why they weren’t in “uniform” they said “We work here as soldiers, but we have off today and we decided to get to know the place more”, not many of the soldiers believed them, but none of them were really suspicious. After they passed by the soldiers who asked about their uniform, they started looking through corridors.


      They found a room called “The Queens Space”, they looked inside the room and they found a whole buffet and all these really comfy chairs. So, they looked around and they finally found something, but it wasn’t just anything, it was plans or blueprints for something. “What is this?” , Ethan asked “Is it some sort of blueprint for a building?” “I honestly don’t know, but it’s kinda weird though” Herman replied.


      Ryan folded up the blueprints without thinking what could be the consequences of doing what he did. The queen could come in, not see the blueprints, and order soldiers to capture Ethan, Ryan, and Herman. A soldier could see the folded up blueprint in his pocket, and then attack them. There was no time for thinking about consequences though, they had to get info.

      So, Ryan just froze all of the soldiers in the way so that he didn’t hurt them severely. “ We have what we need, now let’s get out of here.” Ryan said quickly. The three of them ran past the frozen soldiers, and ran out the door. Some soldiers that weren’t frozen were chasing after them throwing smoke bombs. Ryan tried to teleport them out of there, but he couldn’t. They must’ve had a force field that didn’t allow people who weren’t soldiers to use their powers.


      The three of them ran until the made it to Ryan’s house. His parents were on vacation, so they were all alone in the house. Ethan quickly locked the doors while Ryan locked the windows. The three of them ran upstairs, and hid in Ryan’s bedroom. It didn’t take long for the soldiers to break into the house.  “ I have an idea ” Ethan said, “ We know that the queen draws power from the soldiers, so. . .” Ryan cut him off “ We knew that the king drew his power from the soldiers, but we don’t know if the queen does the same.”


      “ We don’t  really have anything else to believe, and doesn’t it make sense that the queen uses her father’s strategies?” Ethan said “ I guess” Ryan replied. “ So, if we get rid of these soldiers, then we can weaken the queen, and eventually, when we get rid of all the soldiers, we can completely weaken the queen.” Ethan gestured “ so let’s get ready, and fight.” Ethan finished. They all agreed, and were all surrounding the door, ready to fight.


      After a minute or so, the soldiers busted open the bedroom door, and the soldiers, Ethan, Ryan, and Herman began to battle. There were three soldiers that chased them, and three of them, so it was a fair fight. Herman was up against the big soldier, Ethan was up against a normal sized soldier, but the soldier was very witty, and was a fast thinker. Ryan was up against the small one of the three, but the small one was very fast, and hard to catch.


      The first person to make a move was Ryan, he transformed into a kangaroo and kicked at the small soldier, but the soldier just ran, and dodged  it, like it was nothing. Ethan through a smoke bomb at the smart soldier, but he quickly counter acted the smoke bomb, by throwing another smoke bomb at it. Herman decided to throw a smoke bomb, just like Ethan, at the big soldier, but the big soldier caught it, muffled it in his hands, and when it exploded, it had no effect.


      They knew that they were doing something wrong, it hit Ryan, “ Guys, use their abilities against them.” “ It”ll work”. Ryan thought to himself, “The soldier I’m fighting is fast, but I can teleport”, so as the quick little soldier ran around Ryan, he teleported in front of the mini soldier, and caught him. He decided to put the little soldier in a basket, and flip the basket upside-down, so he can’t get out.


     Ethan knew that the soldier was a quick thinker, but maybe it’s a bit to quick. Ethan levitated over the soldier, and through a smoke bomb, the immediate thinker, once again, through a smoke bomb at Ethan,but gravity pushed the smoke down, and it hit the soldier. Ethan’s bomb kept on going down, and it also hit the soldier, so the soldier got hit by two smoke bombs. Ethan shoved it in a closet, before it could see again.


     Herman through three smoke bombs at the huge soldier, because he knew the big soldier couldn’t muffle all three smoke bombs. The big soldier caught two of the smoke bombs, but he couldn’t catch the other smoke bomb. It kept on flying through the air, and hit him straight on the head. Herman could tell that the soldier wasn’t getting up any time soon.  


      Ethan, Ryan, and Herman couldn’t give up, so they decided to go back to the enemy base. They tried to be more stealthy this time. They snuck into the enemy base, and started looking around. Once they couldn’t find anything, they gave up and started walking down the corridor to the exit.

      The Queen came from the corner of the corridor and started slowly walking towards them. The three of them warned her to stop, but she didn’t. Herman then threw a lightning bolt at her and she flew back from the explosion. The Queen was angry, so she started running towards them. While she was running she was yelling a battle cry, as soon as she did that Ryan got scared, and threw a snowball at her. She was slowly freezing, and after a couple seconds, she was completely frozen.


     Her mouth was still open and her eyes were looking all around. Ethan used his levitation powers to levitate her all the way to the prison cells, and put her inside one. Once she got inside a prison cell Ethan then threw a ball of lightning at her to defrost the ice cube. Then out of nowhere there was a big “Boom!”

           To Be Continued


Authors: Derek and Brandon

Creators: Derek and Brandon