The class has another project to work on for Genius hour. The topic I have already chosen is baking, so I came up with three baking related question. I have to answer one and make a project out of it. The question I chose to answer is ” What ingredients could you add to your pastry to make it rise differently, and have a good texture”. The project I’m doing is ” I will bake three different loaves of bread with a different ingredient in each. Everyone will get a piece of each loaf, the whole class will determine the texture and taste of each piece of bread”.

The first ingredient I’ve chosen is Wheat gluten, which gives the dough an elastic feel, it strengthens the dough, and makes the bread rise higher. The second ingredient I’ll be doing is 1/4 teaspoon of ginger, The spice boosts the yeast, and gets it much more active, much faster. Finally, the third ingredient I’ve chosen is 1/8 teaspoon of vitamin C powder, The acid of vitamin C helps the yeast to work better and preserves the bread by keeping away bacteria and mold.

I got my info from:

I can’t wait to see the results!!!