Chapter: 3

                      A New pet?

Previously on The Shadow, Chapter 2: Ryan and Ethan are running from Ryan’s house into Ethan’s house but what they didn’t know was that they the shadow was already there and now they are thinking of ways to escape Ethan’s house.


CHAPTER 3, A New Pet:


After spending an hour thinking of plan after plan they finally thought of the easiest, simplest, thing to do. RUN OUT THE BACK DOOR! It was so simple so easy yet in their minds it was questionable and they couldn’t decide if they wanted to take more time to think of a more full-proof plan or take the risk and run to the back door. They decided to run. Without any hesitation they sprinted over to the back door, unlocked it, opened it up, and ran. Ran, ran, ran, all they could do is run. They went down one then two then three then four blocks until they suddenly were seven blocks down and they didn’t even realize because they were so scared they couldn’t feel their bodies aching from all that running. They spent the night at one of their friends houses and once it was day time they went  back to their own homes. When they got back there was no shadow, everything was back to normal Ryan’s parents were back there were no scratches on the walls. Everything was back to normal.



Ryan and Ethan had been living their new… old lives. Everything was normal. The first couple months they both were happy but missed the adventure. Now, they barely even think about what happened. They would go to school, come home, do their homework together, go back home, sleep, and start the process over again. It was a boring life, but it was nice, and certainly not filled with evil shadows and being terrified. Until one day, Ryan and his parents decided to get a pet. They decided to get a dog. They went to the pet shelter. And looked for the perfect dog for their family. They looked at many many dogs yet none of the family members really liked them, until they saw this one dog. Fluffy black fur, perfect size, perfect everything. They decided to get the dog, but Ryan this sick feeling in his stomach about this dog. Their was something about it he just didn’t like or maybe couldn’t comprehend, but he ignored it. Ryan thought the dog would grow on him. After a couple weeks he stick could not enjoy being around this dog, no matter how much he tried he just couldn’t. He thought it was just him being stubborn, until one fateful night Ryan couldn’t sleep, no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t sleep. He was going to get up to get a sip of water, he lifted his legs, but they wouldn’t budge. Ryan opened his eyes and saw the dog sitting there. It was staring at Ryan, so many thoughts were going through Ryan’s head. The more Ryan would lift his legs, the harder it would get to move. The dog’s eyes turned red, and at that point Ryan knew that that is no ordinary dog, it is The Shadow. He was so afraid he got out of the dogs clutches, Ryan was so scared that he just turned in the other direction and ran, he ran to Ethan’s house. Once he got to Ethan’s house he knocked on the door 5 times, then he waited. After a while Ethan’s mom answered the door and said that he went on a trip to Tennessee, she said that he would be back tomorrow. Ryan was very afraid because he thought The Shadow would hurt him. So, he ran all the way back home and went inside, but The Shadow wasn’t there, Ryan turned around and saw the dog, shadow, shadow dog. Ryan knew it wouldn’t help to just stand there so he reached out his hand to the Shadow Dewwog, it didn’t move, it just sat there. Ryan started petting the dog and it jumped up and started licking Ryan. it all came to Ryan, the shadow that kidnapped Ryan’s parents and the shadow that was waiting at Ethan’s door are two different shadows. The shadow that was at Ethan’s door was just waiting there, like a good dog. When Ethan gets back Ryan needs to tell him this HUGE news!


To Be Continued On Chapter 4

Producers: Derek and Brandon


Authors: Derek and Brandon


Thinkers/creators: Derek and Brandon