Writing Fictional Narratives

Once upon a time at 8 o’ clock a ship was trying to find a treasurer. It was stormy and the ships lights had broken.  There medal detector broke and was lost in the ocean and people were falling and the storm was just getting worst. Hours later the ship got a hole and was going down. 20 people remain. After they where on the safety boat they started to flout.

A fin came out of the water!  Then 3,4,5, THEY WERE COMING AT THEM FAST AND AND THEY WHERE ALL SCARED. After 10 minutes of they  scared they found out it was just dolphins. They still couldn’t get to shore and another storm was picking up. First light rain, then heavy the heaver then POUNDING!!! The waves became bigger and finally they say light! The light was coming from the air! It was  the rescue squad. They must have seen the distress call!! They were just in time because as some a we where in the helicopter a MASSIVE wave sunk the life raft.   THE END   🙂





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