What kind of person do you think Maniac Magee is?

Tyler: Italic                    Adam: regular

What kind of person do you think Maniac Magee is? Would you want him for a friend and why?Why do you suppose Amanda laughed so hard and began to lose her?

I Think maniac Magee is really nice and kind. I think he is really brave and would do anything for anybody if he really wanted to. He really likes to run and have fun with anybody. Even though he had to be with his really not nice aunt and uncle he still lived through it and tried to have a good time. Even though he had to go to a Foster home he still had to life and try to be at least a little happy. He is really responsible because he knows how to handle himself and be controlled. He doesn’t seem like he gets scared. So like he acts like he is an adult.  


He would be a good friend to have in bad situations. He is a little shy so it would be weird to hand out with him. It would be cool to play baseball or any sport with him. It probably would get boring because he would always get a point. It would be almost impossible to win. It also would be cool to have him as a friend because you could see who is fast and race, I like to run. It would be really cool to have him as a friend.       


The reason Amanda started laughing really hard is because Maniac said are you running away when see was just walking to school. I guess she thought that was funny because well, she was just going to school with her books. The only reason she was carrying the suitcase was because her brother, sister, and dog like to mess up the books and destroy them. So she brought her suitcase to school (her personal library) was so they won’t destroy them.    

That is all for, What kind of person do you think Maniac Magee is? Would you want him for a friend and why?Why do you suppose Amanda laughed so hard and began to lose her? Thanks for reading and commenting  BYE!!!!

4 responses

  1. Hi my name is Destiny and I am from http://destinyonlinep.edublogs.org/ and I also read Maniac Magee and I loved the book! Before it was kind of confusing, but now I know why Amanda started laughing because before I didn’t know before why she was laughing but now I know. I love your blog post and it was very interesting and keep up the good work Adam!

  2. Hi i’m Kane Online from http://kaneonlinep.edublogs.org
    It is so cool that you read the same book as me and you wrote the same kind of post as me. You wrote an amazing post about him and i think that Maniac Magee is amazing. He never gives up and he is a great athlete.


  3. Hi I am Guido from http://guidoonlinep.edublogs.org/
    I think that this is a really good post.
    I have read Maniac Magee too and I really enjoyed it.
    I think that every thing you said in that was true and I think that Maniac really likes to run because he almost always runs and he is very fast.

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