What should belong in a garden? (Poem essay)

I think the theme for ‘What belongs in a garden’ is don’t judge someone or something by its looks, because in the poem it was talking about how pretty the last white flower was, which was the speaker’s opinion. Someone may have thought it was ugly and pulled it out of the ground thinking it was a weed. The speaker even likes the flower’s flaws, it even said “I even see something pretty in it’s burnt-brown leaves.”


How everything is written gives you more and more clues to the theme. That’s why there are those keywords in there. In this poem the keywords wer “I decide”, “Plant is beautiful”, and after it says something like that it gives examples why it beautiful to him or her. The speaker says “But non of them seem to match” which means it can’t somepare to any other just like is you have a autistic friend, they’re nice but their just special and do stuff different from you.This is a love that starts a relationship.

`Have you ever had the same experience? If you have you know how difficult it is deciding this or that. Think back to when you were younger, you likes playing with toys right? Well it’s like picking a toy, you have 2 toys in your hand and you can’t decide but when you see which one is better and put the one back, But your still happy, right? If you had to decide if the  white flower should stay or pull, what would you choose? Would you keep the cute 2 burnt flaws of the white flowers, or pull it out?

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