How do the themes in poetry help you gain a deeper understanding of life in general?

Will: Italics   Hanna: Bold


How do the themes in poetry help you gain deeper understanding of life in general? I think poetry is a good way of understanding life. I believe that life is a huge part of poetry. We are going to list a couple reasons to answer your question, How do the theme in poetry help you gain deeper understanding of life in general?


Themes in poetry can help the reader understand life better by once you read a poem, do you ever think you can do what’s in the poem. What I am trying to say here is once you know the theme of the poem you can use it in life. For example if the theme is never give up, than never give up in life. Almost every poem has a theme that can help you understand life or help you through life. Like with Will’s example having a theme that is “never give up, than never give up in life.” it will help you understand that yes some things are hard and you might want to give up but you shouldn’t because thing can and will  (possibly) get better and easier.   
I hope you enjoyed our prompt. I really hope that we answered your question. You can use the theme in life by doing it. For example never give up on your dreams, then never give up on your dreams. Once again thank you for reading our prompt.

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