Daily Archives: January 12, 2017

See, Think, Wonder With V.R… The Amazon!

I used virtual reality glasses and went to the Amazon. I saw many exciting things such as what looked like never-ending rivers, gigantic trees and many other amazing things. I also saw some people canoeing along the Amazon for fun. I also saw the inside of a huge rainforest.

I saw a small village with a rowhouse where the kids in the Amazon go to school. There was a church with a small cross on top of it’s roof and also with an extensive field for playing on.

I love doing V.R and I think that if you can you should try it too. Going to a new place without leaving your seat is funner than you may think. V.R can teach you many, many, many things about different places and their way of life. This is my experience going to the Amazon using V.R.


P.S: Doing what the person above is doing is NOT recommend!


The Rock Family- Part 1… ChRiStMaS!!

This is the story of the Rock family. 5 rocks consist in the Rock family. There is Amy, John, Drew, Mama and Papa. Amy is 3 and her birthday is January 19th. John is 12 and his birthday is March 21st. Drew and John are twins so Drew is 12 and was born on the same day as John. Mama, who’s real name is Matilda is 34 and her birthday is September 4th. Papa, who’s real name is Julian is 39 and his birthday is July 14th.

It was December 20th on 2064 Merrington Lane. Amy, John and Drew had lots of Christmas shopping to do. They hadn’t found ANYTHING for their parents and Christmas was coming soon! They decided that they were going to ask Mama to take them Christmas shopping for Papa that night and then tomorrow they would ask Papa to take them shopping for Mama. “Let’s go ask Mama is we can go Christmas shopping!” Amy said excitedly.

“Wait a minute Amy.” Drew said, “We need to figure out what we can get Papa first.” “What could we get him?” John said. “Hmmm. What about a teddy bear!” Amy said in her ‘this is the best idea ever’ voice. “Amy, I don’t think Papa would like a teddy bear.” said Drew. “What else then? This is hard! I don’t wanna do this any more.” said Amy with a whine. “But Amy we need to find them something.” said Drew. “I know!” said Drew, “We could get Papa a new hockey stick for when he goes to play!”. “Perfect!’ said John. “Can we go tell Mama now?” said Amy. “Sure” said Drew, “Would you like to do the honors, Amy?”. “Sure!!” said Amy. Then they went and told Mama. “What a GREAT idea. Papa would love that for sure!” she said with a big smile on her face, “We’ll go shopping tonight.” “Thanks Mama.” Drew, John and Amy chorused. “Let’s go play Life since that’s taken care of.” Amy said importantly. “Ok.” said Drew and John. They played Life until it was time to go shopping.

Mama, John, Drew and Amy hopped into the big red minivan with Mama in the front seat, Drew and John on the edges and Amy in the middle on a booster seat. “Let’s go to SportsRus.” said Mama. “John and I love SportsRus!” said Drew. “I don’t.” said Amy grumpily. “It’s ok Amy.” said Mama. “Were here!” said John. “Let’s go to the hockey aisle.” said Mama. They got to the hockey aisle and found a large assortment of hockey sticks. Mama said, “What color stick should we get him?” “Blue!” said John. “Blue!” said Drew. “What about you Amy?” Mama said. “Rainbow colored like my favorite TV characters Millie and Renna from the Wonderful World of Colorful Magic!” she replied. “I don’t think that they have rainbow colored hockey sticks.” said Mama. “Well then what’s the point of buying one in the first place?!?” Amy squealed. “How about this Amy, if we get a blue hockey stick i’ll get you a lollipop up in the checkout line.” Mama said. “Can I choose the flavor?” Amy said with a grin. “Yes you may Amy. Now boys, can you please grab a blue hockey stick and put it in the cart?” Mama said. “Sure.” Drew and John said happily. Mama always had a way with Amy that made everyone happy. “Now let’s go my get my lollipop.” said Amy, “I want the strawberry shortcake kind.”

Later, after Mama had wrapped the hockey stick with Amy to help her tie the string and John and Drew to cut the tape, they found a place to hide it. Can you guess where? Behind their cabinet full of glass. The hockey stick was measured and it was 4 feet and 6 inches. The cabinet was 6 feet exactly. So the hockey stick fit perfectly. My the time they were done it was 6:49, 11 minutes from Amy’s bedtime and 1 hour and 11 minutes from Drew and John’s bedtime.

“Mama, you go tuck Amy in and we’ll stay downstairs.” said John. “Ok. But you have to go tuck her in later, the both of you.” Mama replied. When they were sure Mama was upstairs they went into Papa’s office and asked, “ Papa, can we go Christmas shopping for Mama?” John said. “ Try not to take Amy because she would tell Mama.” Drew added. “Sure. What could we get her?” Papa said “Why don’t you decide Papa!” said John. “Because, we want it to be from you since I have a present for her.” Papa replied. “What, WHAT!” Drew said loudly. “Wait til’ Christmas and you’ll see…..” said Papa. “Ohhh, why didn’t I think of this before!” John exclaimed to himself. “What is it John?” said Drew excitedly. “New knitting needles!” John said. “Perfect, perfects, PERFECT!” said Drew, “Why didn’t I think of that!” “Ok.” Papa said, “We know what we’re getting Mama but where is the question.” “Kolos?” said Drew. “No, they only have yarn…” said Papa, “What about………. Naddles! said John happily. “Perfect!” said Drew, “They have billions of needles!” “Ok. We’ll go tomorrow morning, the first day of Christmas vacation.” said Papa, “Now go brush your teeth and hop in bed. By the time your done and you’ve tucked Amy in it’ll be time for bed. “Night, Papa.” Drew and John chorused.

The next day, John and Drew got dressed; John in a blue shirt that said ‘The best part of my day is sleeping’ with blue jeans and Drew in a green shirt that said ‘Give me 100$ and I’ll give you a piece of dirt’ also with blue jeans on. “Let’s go get Papa and tell him we’re ready.” Before Drew or John could leave their room, Papa was at their door. “Let’s go before Mama and Amy wake up.” said Papa quietly. John, Drew and Papa hopped into Papa’s green Tahoe. “Off to Naddles.” said Drew. The shopping trip to Naddles was uneventful. They got Mama silver knitting needles. When they got home Drew and John wrapped the present the best they could and they hid it in the a place under Drew’s bed where the needles wouldn’t get smashed.
Drew, John and Amy had made things for each other and also Drew and John had made something for their parents. Nobody could wait til’ Christmas. Amy could hardly wait for Santa to come. John, Drew and Amy had written their Christmas lists and the top 5 things of each of their lists were this.


Roller Skates (Size: 8 ½)
Basketball/Basketball Hoop


Baseball/Baseball Gear
2000’s Book of Baseball Records
Name 3 Game

Amy (List was Spell-Checked)

Movies (The Wonderful World of Colorful Magic)
Teddy Bear
Rainbow Ball
Books (The Wonderful World of Colorful Magic)
Ice Skates (4 ½)

Drew, John and Amy wanted these thing very badly. Finally it was the night of Christmas Eve. Papa read The Night Before Christmas. Everybody was in bed my 7:30. They left Santa out a Sugar Cookie with a Hershey Kiss on it and a glass of chocolate milk. Santa came to the Rock house on Christmas Day (12:01 a.m) and he loved his cookie and milk.

The rule for Christmas morning was the first person to wake up was allowed to wake up the rest of the family only if it was after 7:00. John was up first so he first woke up Drew, then Mama and Papa and last Amy. Amy exclaimed, “It’s Christmas it’s Christmas!”
Now it was time for the presents. First the presents from Santa…


1,000 piece puzzle
Mittens (Blue)
Roller Skates (Size 9 so you can use them longer)
Green bicycle
Basketball (Foam)
Basketball hoop (for the door)
What Am I Thinking Of? (Game)


Mittens (Green)
Blue bicycle
Name 5 (Game)
Baseball Bat/Baseball (Foam)
Scrabble (Game)
Baseball in Bracon (Movie)
Mario Kart (video game to share with Drew)


Rainbow Ball with Stars
10 of The Wonderful World of Magical Colorful Magic Movies
Where Am I? (Game)
Ice Skates (Size 5 so you can use them longer)
Mittens (Purple)

Now the presents from the family to the family…..

Remote-Controlled Airplane
From: Papa

Book about Michael Jordan
From: Mama

Plastic Basketball (Homemade)
From: John and Amy

Hugs & Kisses
From: Everyone


Remote-Controlled Car
From: Papa

500 piece puzzle
From: Mama

Baseball Picture Book (Homemade)
From: Amy and Drew

Hug & Kiss
From: Everyone


Stuffed Turtle
From: Papa

Red Dress
From: Mama

Board Game (Homemade)
From: Drew and John

Hug & Kiss
From: Drew and John


Knitting Needles
From: Everyone

From: Papa

Pots and Pans
From: Papa

Paper Coupons (Extra Chores, Etc.) (Homemade)
From: Drew, John and Amy

Hug & Kiss
From: Everyone

Hockey Stick
From: Everyone
From: Mama
Pop-up Christmas Tree Card (Homemade)
From: Drew, John and Amy
Hug & Kiss
From: Everyone

To Drew, John, Amy, Mama and Papa this Christmas was an exquisite one. After they all exchanged their thanks, Mama turned on the TV and found some Christmas music channel. For the rest of the day Drew, John and Amy played with their toys and games and the whole family listened to music and they were all happy.


Merry Christmas! ???