All posts by pavelik

Otzi Iceman Story- LPavelik

I packed my axe, and my arrows, and my bow and other tools. I was setting off to find a good spot to hunt! I, Otzi, am a very well known hunter. Hunting is my life, and I don’t know what I would do without it. Therefore, I need to find the best spot to do so.


It would be a very long journey, but I knew I would get there. To eat, I have deer and various types of grain. I also have with me three layers of clothing, that way I don’t get cold. I feel as if I am very prepared.


It is weird, though. I have been having really bad stomach pain. It has been happening for some time now, maybe about a few months, and it has been getting worse. Maybe it is my diet, or just my body adjusting to going hunting more often with little food. Whatever it is, I hope it goes away soon!


I set off for the top of the mountain, and from there I walked. I have climbed many mountains before, and this one might be the hardest. I will be climbing about 6,500 feet up! Compared to many other mountains I have climbed for hunting, this would be a stretch! I know I can make it, but it will be very challenging.


As I was about three fourths of the way up the mountain, I could hear somebody following me. Could it be an animal? I thought to myself. No, it couldn’t be! Most of the animals up here would be scared by the sight of a human. I won’t see vicious animals for at least a couple more miles.


I ran as fast as I could until I couldn’t run anymore. I found myself in a rocky hollow. It was silent for a while. Not a peep from any nature. No footsteps. Silent. That is until I turned around and saw a tall man pointing a bow at me!


I knew that there were many people that were jealous of my hunting skill, and would do anything to be number one, but I didn’t think that people would do this far! I was scared. I tried reasoning with the man that I could teach him to become a better hunter, but he wanted me dead. With a single arrow, he shot me in the shoulder. The last thing I remember is hitting my head on a rock, and then everything went black. Never again did I go hunting.

And that’s the end to my story. I didn’t live a very long life, but at least I got to spend it doing something I loved in the end.

Living in France

In my map of France, I see that there are a lot of lakes along with the English Channel, Bay of Biscay and the Mediterranean Sea. I would have a lot of places to swim if I went to France. The elevation seems to be just above or meeting sea level. There are mountains such as Mount Vennocux that would be fun to visit and explore. The mountain ranges are more to the South, however, so if I wanted to visit some mountains I would have to visit a place in the South. The weather seems to be very average in France, so it wouldn’t be too hot or too cold. It would be just right to do perfect everyday tasks such as taking a walk or going the the store without having to worry about the weather being so specific, that I wouldn’t be able to do those things.