All posts by noltxls

My Adventure – DNOLT

Right now I am running from John Cena who was trying to get me back for Not giving him back his WWE belt. Right now I am at the top of a mountain where I think I am safe. I have all of my tools, my ax my arrows/bow and my knife. I am the leader of my tribe and I am not in very good health. Last night I ate meat and vegetables and I cooked it over the fire I made. I am in Northern Italy by the mountains. I am in my mid forties. I am living in the Neolithic period when the copper age is. Wait who is that… oh no he is here! Oh no I’ve been shot right in the shoulder! In a matter of minutes I will bleed to death then oh no I’m in shock. I can’t hardly breath. Soon I will…


Right now I am running from John Cena who was trying to get me back for Not giving him back his backpack. Right now I am at the top of a mountain where I think I am safe. I have all of my tools, my ax my arrows/bow and my knife. I am the leader of my tribe and I am not in very good health. Last night I ate meat and vegetables and I cooked it over the fire I made. I am in Northern Italy by the mountains. I am in my mid forties. I am living in the Neolithic period when the copper age is. Wait who is that… oh no he is here! Oh no I’ve been shot right in the shoulder! In a matter of minutes I will bleed to death then oh no I’m in shock. I can’t hardly breath. Soon I will…

Living in Australia

I want to go to Australia. There is not many lakes so I would have to swim in a ocean. It is hot since it is by the equator so I would have to wear sunscreen and drink a lot of water. There is a lot of unique wildlife that is not in many other places in the world. So I would have to eat unique things. There is a lot of wild animals so I need to be careful and safe about what I do. But besides all that Australia is awesome there is so much to see do hear and feel. You got the ocean all around you and mountains plains and deserts. There is a lot of animals which I love.