All posts by myerseoi



In Texas it is very hot and dry so I go through lots of sunscreen a month. I have to make sure I’m very hydrated throughout the day because in hot weather it’s easy to get dehydrated. Most of the time I will have to turn the air conditioning on because it gets so hot. I also need to think if it’s too hot when I go outside because sometimes it’s a little too hot for me to handle. But this heat comes in handy when I wanna go swimming in the Colorado River.


Otzi’s Story- JMyers

This is the story of Otzi the iceman before death. Otzi knew someone was going to try killing him because he was more wise then the rest of the villagers so he decided to try to escape up the mountains to get away. While he was searching for shelter on his way up he was attacked by someone and was trying to escape, but there was no where he could go where his opponent couldn’t see him. He had to think fast, so he pulled out his arrows and tried shooting them. He had missed and he didn’t have any more arrows so he decided he needed to run. When he’s running he got shot in the back with and arrow.

After he is shot he went into shock. Sweating like crazy, uncontrollable bleeding, unconsciousness, and his heart rate speeds up. Then the assassin covers up Otzi’s body with snow and dirt then covers up his own tracks so nobody knows about it.