Hanna: italicized        Bella: Regular


I want to be a monkey because monkeys look cool. I want to be a monkey because if I was a monkey I could be sneaky and steal food, candy, drinks. Also, I would want to be a monkey because monkeys are really good at swinging on vines or swinging from tree to tree. Another reason is that monkeys can be really good at at speaking. Well not speaking in human language, but speaking monkey language. Finally I would want to be a monkey because they seem really interesting because people seem to always be looking at them when they are at the zoo or


I want to be a sea turtle because sea turtles spend most of their time in water. Also, I would want to be a sea turtle because I love sea turtles. Some sea turtles are 1 million years of age or older. I would love to see the world evolve through the years that I’ve been alive. I would love to just be noticed and sea turtles cannot retract their heads or limbs so when I’m scared I have to face my threat. Finally, I would like to be a sea turtle because their color varies.

If I were to be an animal I would want to be a monkey, but I wouldn’t want to be caged in and be forced to put on shows. Another reason why I would want to be caged in is that I wouldn’t live the life I lived before and, then I wouldn’t act like myself I would act probably like a caged in monkey. I wouldn’t really like people that passed my cage every day because I would not want fingerprints all of my cage or old nasty food that I won’t eat in my cage. If I were to be an animal I would want to be a sea turtle, but I wouldn’t want to be caged (in an aquarium)  and be forced to do tricks of people to watch. I wouldn’t like to be in a small cage (aquarium) I would want to be in the wild  not in captivity. I wouldn’t be able to do what I want I would have to do what I’m trained to do. Also, If I didn’t live up to what the people paid for I would be euthanized or given to another zoo.