You can make the worlds best comment by using “Star, Wish, Wonder”. This helps you make an amazing comment because it gives the person who made the post something you like about their writing, something they could improve but it was still OK, and a question that you had while reading their writing. The “Star” is the something you liked, the “Wish” is something you could improve, and the “Wonder” is the question you had while reading, If you didn’t already figure that out. This also helps by giving you a slightly better comment because you put more thought into it, instead of ” Great job! I love polar bears too!”, you could do, ” You did a great job of giving your opinion. I wish you would’ve used more vivid words. Why did you pick this topic and or some of your information?” If you use the second one it tells the person who wrought it that you actually read their post instead of reading the title and then writing the comment. If you use the first one you didn’t really read the post you just looked over  it and then wrought a basic comment. If you want the reader to know that you read and actually liked their post then use “Star, Wish, Wonder”.