Bella: Regular   Hanna: Italicized


What will America be like without a voting system? I think that America would be hectic without a voting system because then we wouldn’t be able to vote who was president.Then there might not even be a president anymore because how are we supposed to vote if America doesn’t have a voting system to vote. I think that America would be a huge mess because without a voting system America wouldn’t be able to pick a senator, president, governor, etc.  If we didn’t have the voting system we would be fighting all the time about who should be our president. We don’t need any more violence in the U.S so we need the voting system.


I think that it would be hectic because without a president the world would be crazy because their would be no laws and rules for America. Also, if there was no voting system there wouldn’t be decent presidents. Another thing is if we didn’t have a voting system then we wouldn’t have one president we will have more than one or there would be a lot of fighting and who is running who is not because there would be no votes. Another reason is there might be a lot more deaths because there might be fights on who is running for president. This is why we think that America would be hectic and crazy without a voting system to figure out who will be running for president.


Finally, I think that America would be a very busy time of year because when it comes to election time there would be so many people pushing other people and yelling and screaming so people can hear and see who is talking. Also if America didn’t  have the voting system would be very very loud because of people yelling and screaming for attention about who they think should be president.