The Stolen Car  by Tate and Trinity

One day a mailman went to a mansion to drop off a package and saw a man in a black suit stealing a lamborghini, so the mailman drops the package and runs. The man in the black suit stole the lamborghini and drove off. The news turned on and everyone was watching.The news reporter said that Bill Gate’s lamborghini was stolen everyone was in shock. Bill Gates was giving a $ 1,000 reward for who found the lamborghini. Once he announced that everyone was looking for a bright orange lamborghini with an M on it. The boy knew where to find lamborghini’s for sale.But first he asked Bill Gates where he bought the lamborghini Bill said he got it at Masrani tech.Bill Gates asked him what the boy’s name was he said his name was Kyle Reese. First,  Kyle set traps all around town but he got no luck because it was Saturday so everyone was inside watching tv or something.But then he remembered that there was an M on the lambo he saw at the mall so then he went back to the mall.

“ Where did you get that Lamborghini?” he asked the person selling it. “ Why did you steal it?” Kyle interrogated.

          Then, the sales clerk started to run, and Kyle started running after him. Kyle chased him all the way to the parking lot, and just as Kyle turned around he was gone! After, Kyle contacted Bill Gates and told him what had happened. They got the lamborghini, but the burglar had gotten away. Kyle got the $1,000 reward but was disappointed he didn’t get him. Kyle invited his friend Gavin to help him find the burglar. Meanwhile, they prepared for themselves and got shovels incase he fought back. “Um but where would we find him? ‘I don’t know said Kyle’ Then they began to go back to Masrani tech because that’s where the burglar stole the car.

They went back to Masrani tech to see if the burglar left clues of where the lambo is.Then they saw a phone number so they knew it was the burglar’s phone number because he was the only one there.So they went to the address of where the phone number said then they found the burglar’s house. Finally, they found the lambo.Then they called the cops just as soon as the cops came the burglar was inside and he surrendered.Bill Gates thanked the two boys for finding his lamborghini and they both had a happy life.