❄2016 Blizzard ⛄

During the 2016 blizzard I had lots of fun. Something we did was shoveling because my dad couldn’t get the snow blower working at first. Which was hard because once you start shoveling the snow comes back down and piles back up. When my dad got the snow blower working my brother and I stopped shoveling and played in the snow. I tried making a snowman, but it didn’t work out well for me. The snowman that I made kept falling apart. After shoveling my dad, brother, and I had a quick snowball fight. How we were playing is we threw snowballs a once you got hit 5 times you were out.

My brother was at the end of the sidewalk, my dad was on the driveway, and I was on the sidewalk by our front door. We kept throwing snowballs then finally my brother got out. Then it was just my dad and I and he basically won, but he said it didn’t count because he threw 6 or more snowballs together. Since the snow wouldn’t pack we had to get balls of snow that were already together. My dad was running out of snowballs and just as my brother threw one I got him. Afterwards my dad went inside and my brother and I had another snowball fight, but this time we made our own forts in the snow.

We each also got a sled as a shield. My fort was dug down and forward, with the sled on top like a roof. My brothers fort was like a cave he dug it straight forward. Then we started, I was under my sled and my brother was already throwing snowballs. I didn’t move because if I went out I’d get hit with a snowball.  I finally moved to throw a snowball at him, but I missed and he got me. Then I had a plan to get my brother but he hit me while I was getting out and he won. After, we went inside and got hot chocolate.  We had marsh mellows and whip cream in the hot chocolate too. It was delicious and to me it tasted like ice cream. That’s what I did during the 2016 blizzard.


Mother and Child Julie Falk via Compfight


The Stolen Car by Tate and Trinity

The Stolen Car  by Tate and Trinity

One day a mailman went to a mansion to drop off a package and saw a man in a black suit stealing a lamborghini, so the mailman drops the package and runs. The man in the black suit stole the lamborghini and drove off. The news turned on and everyone was watching.The news reporter said that Bill Gate’s lamborghini was stolen everyone was in shock. Bill Gates was giving a $ 1,000 reward for who found the lamborghini. Once he announced that everyone was looking for a bright orange lamborghini with an M on it. The boy knew where to find lamborghini’s for sale.But first he asked Bill Gates where he bought the lamborghini Bill said he got it at Masrani tech.Bill Gates asked him what the boy’s name was he said his name was Kyle Reese. First,  Kyle set traps all around town but he got no luck because it was Saturday so everyone was inside watching tv or something.But then he remembered that there was an M on the lambo he saw at the mall so then he went back to the mall.

“ Where did you get that Lamborghini?” he asked the person selling it. “ Why did you steal it?” Kyle interrogated.

          Then, the sales clerk started to run, and Kyle started running after him. Kyle chased him all the way to the parking lot, and just as Kyle turned around he was gone! After, Kyle contacted Bill Gates and told him what had happened. They got the lamborghini, but the burglar had gotten away. Kyle got the $1,000 reward but was disappointed he didn’t get him. Kyle invited his friend Gavin to help him find the burglar. Meanwhile, they prepared for themselves and got shovels incase he fought back. “Um but where would we find him? ‘I don’t know said Kyle’ Then they began to go back to Masrani tech because that’s where the burglar stole the car.

They went back to Masrani tech to see if the burglar left clues of where the lambo is.Then they saw a phone number so they knew it was the burglar’s phone number because he was the only one there.So they went to the address of where the phone number said then they found the burglar’s house. Finally, they found the lambo.Then they called the cops just as soon as the cops came the burglar was inside and he surrendered.Bill Gates thanked the two boys for finding his lamborghini and they both had a happy life.


Book Report: Grace

  Book Report: Grace  by Trinity


The story Grace is about a girl who loves to bake and has two best friends Maddy and Ella. Grace and her friends decide to start their very own business to get money, but her aunt Sophie needs her and her mom to help for a couple of weeks in Paris. Grace was hoping to become close to her french cousin Silvie, but it doesn’t go as planned. While Grace is in Paris Maddy and Ella started a dog business and Grace feels left out. In Paris her aunt and uncle run a patisserie ( French bakery ) and Grace just wants to help with it, but instead she makes a mess. To get her mind off what she did her mom took her bike riding and to see the Eiffel Tower. On her trip with her mom she sees a black and white bulldog.

Grace and Silvie try to help her uncle Bernard out and gets an owner of a hotel to try a macaroon and loves it. Her uncle Bernard has been trying to get business with this person and finally did.  And Grace finds out that her cousin Silvie can actually speak English. Silvie tells Grace how she feels and that’s why they helped her uncle Bernard.  When her aunt Sophie has the baby it gets very tiring. At Paris Grace gets homesick from her uncle Bernard’s patisserie because she missed her grandparents’ bakery. To find out if Grace ever gets used to Paris or if Silvie and Grace become close you’ll need read the book.


I think that Grace is a good story it’s like an adventure story. It’s also a real story of a real girl too. The book is very interesting because Grace likes things perfect, and when she goes to Paris it’s very different and Grace has to step out of her comfort zone and has to get used to it while she’s in Paris. It’s also very interesting because some parts are in french and while reading we’re feeling how she feels because if you don’t read or speak french it doesn’t make sense. The nice thing is the author “Mary Casanova” put a glossary in the back of the book so we know what they say in french.

The neat thing is in Grace’s family they have a desire to bake. Although they both like to bake and have some type of bakery the patisserie and the bakery are very different because the patisserie has all kinds of french treats like macaroons, croissants, tartes, creme brulee, madeleines, and other treats. For Grace’s grandparents’  bakery they have cookies, cupcakes, doughnuts, cinnamon buns, and other treats . In the story it’s like putting 2 different cultures together. That’s why I think Grace is a very good book.


I would recommend it to one of my friends that are girls because Grace is very creative and the book Grace is like an adventure and adventures are exciting and interesting. Also because they could relate to it not from having to go to Paris, but by having to fit in. While reading Grace you could also learn things from her. Something you could learn is that everything doesn’t always go your way. Another thing you could learn is that it’s okay for changes. The things that Grace learned could help not only her, but could help the reader too. That’s why I would recommend it to my friends.


Billy’s Tale

Billy’s Tale by Trinity and Tate


One day Billy Bob was born on December 13th and when he was he weighed 355lbs. He ate anything that was food. One day Billy saw some of mom’s special cookies and ate them all in 3 bites. He got even bigger and didn’t fit into his crib.Then one day when he was about 4 years old he learned how to walk but he got bigger and bigger that he was even taller than his dad. Because he was so big he couldn’t fit in the house, so he had to live outside. For showers he was so big he had to shower in the waterfall.Then when Billy was an adult his dad told Billy that it was time he got a job. Billy worked at a construction sight. He was hired by his dad’s friend Bob the builder. He was really anxious to work.

         Then one day Bob gave Billy a raise because he made a birdhouse.Then Billy was surprised he gave him a raise I mean after all it is BOB THE BUILDER!!!! Billy was given the most hardest job he was going to build a plastic skyscraper.Then Billy had to buy a lot of toys and melt them so he can mold the plastic into a skyscraper.Billy first started with molding the design Bob made was not simple so he had to work really hard.

He was told to build a 10,000 feet tall skyscraper. And the deadline was on August 26th, and today was April 20th so he got about 4 months. Billy got done 1/10,000 of his work done. Bob knew he would get it done, so he changed the deadline to June. Billy was freaking out and started working 24/7. Except for 1 minute because he had breakfast, lunch, and dinner. After 1 week Billy got done 2,500/10,000 so he had lots of confidence with finishing. He thought to himself that this is a piece of cake. Billy worked day and night and by the end of August he had ½ of it done.

Bob was actually surprised that Billy was almost done. On September 12th he finished the skyscraper. Bob was amazed and promoted Billy. Billy was so excited so he jumped up and down and made a hole that’s now called the Grand Canyon. He cried tears of joy and made a huge waterfall called the Niagra Falls. He got rich and got a mansion because he didn’t fit in his house. He got married had 1 kid named Dipper. His kid was even taller than him at 55 ft. And Billy had a tall life.


I Have a Dream

I Have a Dream

I have a dream that all over the world children are treated better and fairly at school. So that children all over the world would be able and allowed to go to school. And that every kid got the same knowledge. And even if they’re poor they will be able to go to school and learn. They also should all be treated fairly, so they don’t just get hit for being late or something. I have a dream that every kid gets to go to school and learn no matter who they are and what family they come from. And that children will come home from school everyday happy.

Also that everyday kids are excited to go to school, and that they’re excited to learn and be at school. I want every kid to have good thoughts about school. I have a dream that they will learn that knowledge is power. And hopefully all kids will get to experience how it is going and being at school. And I want them all to feel that they’re lucky to go to school. I have a dream that kids will be able to use their knowledge when they get older and achieve a goal.

And that going to school will help them. I have a dream that instead of children having to make things for people and getting paid one cent they would do better going to school. I dream of a day that kids don’t have to worry about not knowing how to do something like spelling, writing, reading, or something else. I also dream that children shouldn’t be used as slaves. I dream one day that children in other countries don’t have to think about if they are late for work or about making something wrong. I think that using children as slaves is wrong. Those are my dreams.



I Would Like to try…..

Something that I would like to try is softball. I would like to try softball because my brother has played baseball and it seems fun and baseball is exactly like softball. In Softball instead of having to kick or shoot something in a basket or goal you hit the ball and run around the bases. It keeps you active because it’s exercising. And softball isn’t really dangerous because you’re not tackling each other. Softball is very different from other sports other than baseball. You also get to be on a team, and because we’re still young everyone is placed on a team.

   You get placed on a team even if you’re not very good at it. While playing softball and mostly any other sport you get to experience how it feels being on a team. On a team you probably will feel more encouraged instead of going to batting cages ( Somewhere where you practice hitting a baseball or softball with your bat.) because your team will most likely encourage you. Everyone gets a chance to bat and you all take turns. In softball if you’re up to bat you get three chances before you strike out which is good for me because I probably won’t get it the first time.

    Playing something like softball will also help me learn sportsmanship because if you lose against another team you might learn that it’s okay to lose. And while playing softball I would probably get to hang out with your friends. During softball you could also make new friends. For a game your family might come to one of them and support you which makes me feel good. Also in softball you get a jersey with your number for softball to show you’re a part of the team. In softball I think you can also get a bow for your hair.  

    If you play you take pictures with your team and you can get like picture magnets, normal pictures, a picture of yourself with a team picture framed. That’s the things you can probably get if you play, but that’s not the only reasons why I want to play softball.  You can get to know more players and coaches. And if you’re always bored all day softball can keep you busy. Even if there’s no practice or game that day instead you could practice with your family.

   Softball is outside, so you can almost hit the ball as hard as you want. In softball you can learn, experience things, make friends, get exercise, and most importantly have fun. For me softball is pretty interesting because no one that I know of in my family has ever played softball on a team. That’s why I would like to try softball.




Formal Letter

Warren Faidley                                                                                                                                     Adam Sandler                                                 

432 Broad St.                                                                                                                                        and RL Stine          

  Ephrata, PA                                                                                                                                          243 Main Rd. 

                                                                                                                                                                  Hollywood, LA          


    Dear Warren Faidley,

We’re planning on writing a book about storms, and we would like to use you photos in our book. It would be nice of you if you’d let us you a few. If you would we would really appreciate it. Also we think your photos are really good so we like them a lot.


 And your photos will go along good with our book. That’s not the only reason we like them they really capture the moment. They would go good with our book because they would match our writing.Maybe you could help us with which pictures to choose.


  Especially because you are an expert storm chaser. And because you have experienced a storm/hurricane. Plus since you have experience with hurricanes/tornadoes you could give us some advice. If you would let us we will offer $50. Please respond back by in about two months.



            Adam Sandler and RL Stine


Let's Split - Textured Bo Insogna, TheLightningMan.com via Compfight


#2016 Blog Goals

1. I would like to accomplish being a finalist in the Eddie Awards.

2. I would like to add the blog challenges that we didn’t get do.

3. I would like to connect with someone on the other side of the world.( Like someone in a blog we follow. )

4. In a Communication with another blogger I would like to talk back and forth  on each others blogs.

5. I can become a better communicator by going to the person’s blog constantly.  And by checking your blog constantly.

6. My favorite part about blogging last year was the blogging challenge. I liked  the blogging challenge because it challenges us and pushes us to do better with  our blog.

7. In 2016 I would like to improve on communicating with other students. I  would like to communicate with other students so I can get to know more about  them and things I can learn from them.