Tatham Trinity and Julius                Bad Past           

     Hi my name is Andrew Douglas. I’m a grown man now but when I was a teenager things really weren’t that bright. When I was a teenager there was a bunch of crazy things going on in my town, but now laws have changed.When I was a boy about the age of fourteen I had three friends. One was named Dig we call him that because he digs holes a lot. One of my other friends were named Michael Hoski we liked to call him Mikey though. Oh yeah almost forgot my other two friends were Dave Coffin and Hicks Schwarzenegger. My friends and I would go around town and we would do whatever we wanted to do. At night we used go around town spray painting buildings.We got in trouble a lot but are dads never knew about the stuff we did when we were younger about ten years.                                                                                                                                                                                                     But then he found out what we did all those years and we made a big mistake. We spent those days together at my house pretending to play video games, but we were really jumping in mud puddles.Are dads got tired of us doing things like this so are dads said at the same time you’re going to military school. And at that moment we were freaking out. Are moms didn’t really moms right. One time we jumped in a lake and we got really itchy we looked and there were LEECHES!!! Our moms were asking us if we were okay while our dads just sighed. Without our moms our dads would send us away in a second. So about military school that night I had a dream about what it would be like at military school. The dream was about us four becoming very mature soldiers.                  In the dream they get really serious and forget that each other even exist. To me that sounded like a nightmare. If me or any of my friends go to military school I will not be happy. They will shave our heads!!! And make us do 300 push ups no!!! And any way we’re leaving in 2 days so we will have to get better. So we decided to clean up what we did, and we stopped acting up. None of us want to do it, but I am not going to military school!  Neither of us wanted to go but we knew we had to do something. We heard that half of our town was going to be destroyed. So we had to do one last bad thing and we are like brothers we no what we were all thinking.                                                           

        We were thinking about stealing a bulldozer and destroying all the other bulldozers. So we stole my moms car. She didn’t know because she sleeps all day and night. We drove one mile to the bulldozer place. So we took a bulldozer and destroyed all the other bulldozers. We found a bulldozer with no one in it and drove to it.Then BANG we hit one of the bulldozers and then they all got destroyed and wouldn’t function right. The police caught us, but they also arrested the workers at the bulldozer place. After a five months we will get out of jail.