Tatham Julius and Trinity                          

                                            Twin Towers story 2/stories                             


   In 1974 Philippe Petite was a tightrope walker he could do so many tricks.But what he wanted to do th the most was the final challenge.Philippe was going to walk over the world trade center known as the twin towers.But what he wondered  was he going to get inside.So he disguised himself as worker of the building and he had a big big basket and in was a tight rope he was ready.He hitched a harpoon on to the other twin tower so he could walk between the two towers.He started to walk over he looked down on the ground and then slowly and carefully was walking over the towers.Other people saw a man over the towers they were screaming then they called the The cops came and said ‘Come back NOW!!!’ Philippe went back and went to court and said that for his punishment he will do tight ropes everyday so he did. He had to do it every night some kid pulled on the tightrope and he fell nobody saw him  again.          

     In 2001 a hijacking occurred near the world trade center and other monuments. They wanted to destroy the twin towers and for them it was a suicide mission. There were ten hijackers who hijacked the planes. The hijackers target was the world trade center. At first they looked like everyday people until they started the suicide mission. Two planes crashed into the two twin towers and three thousand people died.More than 300 officers and firemen came to help the tragic buildings from colliding.Unfortunately they crashed all the way to the bottom like pancakes. The attack left a huge hole in the eightieth floor of the building. Eighteen minutes after the first attack another plane hit the sixteenth floor of the building.                                                  

       More than one hundred million dollars was lost when the terrorists attacked the twin towers. Firefighters went in the building while people were running out someone found a bible crusted in 2,000 degrees metal and it was okay you could still read it. It took an hour and 42 mins to attack the twin towers and also it took that long to get to New York. The fourth plane never made its target because people fought back the hijackers unfortunately no one on any of the planes survived on that day everyone was sad not even a single plane flew on that day and they now have a memorial museum and they now have a new tower it is stronger with reinforced concrete and now people will think twice to mess with us. I was watching the whole thing and it was a terrible.