November 18

Chapter 2: Fight Night Superheroes

Chapter 2

                     Superheroes: Fight Night

As the ninja got closer to them they saw him in a better view. He was in a black ninja suit and he was giant!!! He got closer and closer and the superheroes had a plan. So what they did was Jackson will Teleport near the ninjas stomach with a rope and give it to Owen then Owen will use his Super Speed to tie him up!!! Then once he is tied up Tank will use his Super Strength to push him into the water so the city does not get damaged. So their plan worked and took him down!!!

When they got back to their base Sensei Kevin was very proud of them for completing their first task!!! They got a party for doing so well!!! They got Pizza and Cake!!! The team put a siren in their lair so any time there was trouble the siren would go off to signal them. Once they were done partying the alarm sounded. What will happen next on Superheroes!?!

           To Be Continued…


Posted November 18, 2016 by usner407 in category Uncategorized

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