The Elf

OUR ELF IS GONE!!!We can’t find our elf we don’t know where he is.I think he is in his door at the north pole with Santa telling him how good we are.We all love the trouble he gets in to on two days ago he put bows on the walls and climbed the walls.


The Package?

Hello.Today Mrs.M ELA class is getting a package at 3:20.I think it is a elf on the shelf because It is almost Christmas day.I love Christmas so so so MUCH!speaking of Christmas it is in 25 days I am so happy. I love Christmas.Because I get gifts and I see my family.

Fall Is Here

Fall Is Here

By Jasmine

Fall is here



Colors are pretty

The colors are bright and loud


The breezy sound

leaf walkways

Some bright days

Hay rides

Hay castles

Fun is finally here

Jumping in leaves

Having fun with friends

Let’s go to the park and have some fun

Have some fun while you still can

Have the time of your life

Spin, kick, dance with friends and family

Jump, have fun!

Vr Field trip

Our field was at a landfill in new york city it was cool I know it sounds disgusting but it was so cool.Then I learned that they use a crane to take the garbage out.

Landis valley museum

We did cors like milking a cow washing cloths get water with buckets we rolled wood made a pen.Then we played with a stick and the bottom of a doroll we yost a stick to ballens it.We rode a blue wagen and then we seen a 15 minute move.Then  we brusht wool and cleaned it.My mom was a shaprown and we had so much fun.


”Ag Day”

Yesterday was ag day we went to Brubaker Park.At Brubaker Park we got to hold baby chicks that where 2 days old they were so CUTE!!!Before the chicks we got to pet fluffy bunnies they were so cute.Then we pet a pig that was 1 year old. Then we pet baby goat they were so cute.


If we don’t recycle plastic and stuff like that will end up in the ocean in the ocean and kill sea life.If we don’t recycle our world will a trashy place.When we get toys the toys come in plastic and boxes and then what are we going to do with that stuff just throw it away no we recycle it!!Every day,huge amounts of trash get into the ocean.gardig is not good for the planet but people make tons of it every day.If we don’t recycle our air will be bad to breath in and out.


























Did you know?

Did you know pork is the number one meat in the world.Soybeans are the mane ingredient in crayons.A cow can make 350,000 in its lifetime.Sheep and goats won’t eat hay.


Third grade is collecting dried up markers because we are trying to recycle for our project.We brot in milk jugs and all of third grade drew a picture and each class voted an two picture and now the two picturer’s each class voted on is out in the hallway. The people that won their picturer’s are in the hallway and we vote on them.


This Morning

This morning I played a spelling game with my friends Noelle,Madysen,Ashlyn, and my name is Jasmine we had fun.We played in intervention its about 20 minutes long and that’s about it.