Fake News Summary (Fixed)

Hey guys! So recently my class and I have been reading and text talking an article about fake news. Fake news is basically news that someone makes up and spreads a rumor about news that is fake. For example, someone could post on a fake website that someone saw a mer-squirrel, and that would be considered fake news because there is no such thing. Also, when people post fake news they photoshop pictures to make it look like what they wrote about is real but it was just a picture photoshopped.

When people write about fake news they don’t always know that it is fake, because they will get it off of social media thinking that it is real, not fake. Sometimes people know that it is fake, but they will still re-post it to get followers and likes and other stuff like that. Some ways that you can tell that the news that you are reading is fake by checking your facts, seeing what website the news came from, and even just reading it and seeing if it makes sense. If you read it and it doesn’t make sense, then it is most likely fake news. If you do read something that sounds fake, look it up and then you might find that it was fake news, but you won’t always find out or not.

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