Monthly Archives: October 2020

Rev Hale characterization

Intelligent, Religious

The text says “Like almost all men of learning, he spent a good deal of his pondering the invisible world…” (31)

Reverend Hale says, “Open yourself, Tituba-open yourself and let God’s holy light shine on you.”  (43)

Reverend Hale is nearing his forties. The book describes him as an “eager-eyed intellectual”.

How much are our actions a reflection of our own autonomy vs what society (our parents, our religion, our circumstances, etc) pushes us to think and do? What can we do about this?

I feel like society pushes people to try and think a certain way. As we become more technologically advanced, we begin to lose our individuality more and more. I feel like things like social media makes us all try to be like others instead of ourselves. We see pictures of people on social media and we want to be more like them. I feel like society is a lot more close minded too. People get greatly offended if you have a different opinion then them. Something we can do to try, and help is to spend more time offline. We should also try to encourage people to have their own opinions and be respectful instead of being upset whenever someone disagrees with something you say.

First Impression

The book I chose for my independent novel project was Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. My initial impressions of the book is that it is a little hard to understand. The book is worded in a way that confuses me a little. It is however interesting so far. I’m excited to see where the book leads and hearing the rest of the story.