Monthly Archives: April 2019

Here There Be Tygers (Different Ending)

Charles darted out the door again and pressed himself against the wall, waiting, his hands over his mouth and his eyes squinched shut, waiting, waiting for the scream. There was no scream. Charles sat outside of the bathroom with his ear pressed against the door. He never heard a scream. Hesitantly, he picked himself up off the ground and stared at the door. He didn’t know if he should go back in to see if Kenny was okay, or if he should run off and pretend like he knew nothing. His bladder was bursting now, battling him as he stood there defenseless. Charles decided he was going to man up and go see if Kenny was okay. Charles put his hands on the door and slowly creaked it open. He was shaking furiously, scared that the tiger could pounce at any moment. When he got the door pushed all the way open, Charles walked inside carefully. He knew he was dead, he just knew it. Charles finally came to the corner of the L and looked around it. He expected to see Kenny, torn to shreds, blood everywhere. But, what he saw was even ,ore surprising then that. Nothing, Charles saw absolutely nothing. He was in total shock. Both Kenny and the tiger had mysteriously vanished into thin air. He couldn’t wrap his head around what had happened to them. He heard the door swing open with a bang. “Charles what on earth are you doing standing in the middle of the bathroom. Do you like to disrupt my class by making me have to come down here after you.” Miss Bird looked furious. He honestly didn’t care, he was still it shock that both Kenny and the tiger were no where to be found. Miss Bird walked over to Charles. “Miss Bird, I’m terribly sorry but, Kenny disappeared.” Miss Bird looked at Charles with confusion. “Kenny, who in gods name is Kenny?” Charles looked up at her with extreme confusion. “Come on right now Charles back to class before I send you to the loony bin.” She grabbed his ear and dragged him back to class. As they were walking down the hallway, Charles vision began to become bleary. He could hear a faint call, but he couldn’t make out what it was saying. Suddenly he heard it loud and clear. “Charles!” Charles shot up off his desk to see Miss Bird and thirty other kids staring at him, giggling. “Do you intend to sleep through my class?” “No Miss Bird, I’m sorry.” She went back to the front of the room and once again continued the lesson. Charles began to draw doodles in his book about tigers instead of paying attention.