Monthly Archives: March 2019

How to make sugar scrub

For seminar, we have to do a project where we come up with our own business and write a business plan for it. I’ve decided it would be cute to sell sugar scrubs for my business. I realized I have never made sugar scrubs before, so I decided I should look up how to. I found this recipe on a website that I will link under the recipe.

Sugar Scrub Ingredients

How to Make It

  1. Mix all ingredients and store in an airtight container, such as a mason jar.
  2. Use 1 tablespoon as needed in the shower. Scrub skin with the mixture and rinse will. It will leave your skin feeling like silk. Goodbye dry skin!


I little quote about confidence

I found this quote and really liked it because it was about working on confidence. As a teenage girl, I personally need to work on my confidence more, as many of us do. I like this quote because it reminds me that instead of focusing on what other people say about me, I have to listen to what I say. I have to work to make sure I think positive things about myself instead of negative.