Imagine you were an animal prompt. Tyler MU.

Cam: regular     Tyler Mu.: Italic


If I was an animal in a zoo I would be a parrot. Being a parrot I would hate being caged in a zoo. When people come and visit/watch me I feel sad because when there are kids who are usually with  their parents and I can’t be with mine if I’m in a box. Another way I would feel about people watching me is mad because they always tap on the glass and drive me nuts! The last way I feel about people watching me is depressed because they get to go about the world while I’m stuck in a glass box.


If I was an animal is the zoo, I would be a tiger since they get a larger habitat. I would rather roam free but it fascinates people to see a tiger. Some tigers are very rare. I think the ones at the zoo are Bengal Tigers. Bengal tigers are very rare. They are usually seen in Africa or Australia. But there are 2 at the Philadelphia zoo right now! I would not like have people staring at me all day. People could be weird sometimes, they might just stay there. I would not like to live in a habitat, I want to live free.


If I was an animal in a  zoo like I said before I would be a parrot because they can fly around. I would hate having people watch me all day because then I couldn’t get and rest with everyone ponding on the glass and yelling at me to wake up. Another reason I would hate to be a zoo animal is because people would always be watching me and I think that’s creepy. The last reason why I wouldn’t like to be a zoo animal is because I would always have people be coming into my cage. Nobody would like to be caged in at a zoo. I would like to be a tiger, but not caged up with people staring at me. If I were a tiger, I would need to be free in the wild.