October 30

hypnoteye chapter 1


January 03, 2017. A boy named Toby was walking home from school one day when it was snowing very hard. He was on the sidewalk in the dark, and while he was walking he did not realize that their was black ice everywhere on the sidewalk. He slipped on the ice and rolled down a small hill. Luckily the snow softened his fall and he only had a couple bruises. While he was getting up, he saw staircases leading into an underground shelter. He was interested in what was down there, so he went down and explored a little. There was barely anything in there except for one room. He opened the door and found a pair of broken glasses, a pencil, and the thing that stood out the most was the book sitting on the table. He looked at the book and it had a weird purple hypnotic looking eye on the front of it. He opened the book and saw one  page in the entire book. He thought to himself “Why would their be only one page in an entire book?” He saw a list of signs on the book saying to put his fingers on a circle of the page and to look at the eye. He thought this was weird but he did it anyway to see what would happen. He looked at it for 1 minute and nothing happened. He was exiting the room but then he felt sleepy and passed out in the room. He woke up and looked at his watch. He had been asleep for only 5 minutes. He didn’t know what had just happened but started to walk home like nothing happened. He arrived at his front door calling to his mom to let him in. But then he realized that his parents are staying in Florida for a week. So he got the key from under the rug and unlocked the door. He got inside and was getting ready for bed. He went into the bathroom to brush his teeth but when he looked in the mirror he was petrified with confusion. His eyes, they were purple and looked hypnotic like the front of that book. He tried to put water in his eyes to see if he were dreaming but he wasn’t. He did everything he could to make his eyes normal but nothing had worked. He figured that the only page in that book was a spell of some sort. It was too late to go back now so he went to sleep and went back there the next morning. He opened the book to see if their was anything he missed. He just realized that there were words on the other side of the page and read them in his head. It said that “If you used that spell then your eyes will have magical powers to hypnotise people and make them do your every command for as long as you want”.

He wondered what he would say when his classmates or anyone saw his eyes. He didn’t know what to do bt then he realized there was one thing he could do. He went to a store selling all different kinds of contacts. He wasn’t a fool so he wore glasses there . He bought the contacts that looked like his eyes. His eyes were brownish and or a little black. As he walked out he ripped the contacts out of the case and put them on. They felt a little weird but he could get used to it. It was a weekend, so he had plenty of time to figure out how to use this spell. He was hungry so he went to the local Bird-full-a. He saw 2 8th graders butting in line of everybody and tried to stop it. They looked at him and said. “What do you want shorty” and pushed Toby. He got mad but remembered his ability and told them to get him lunch. They both made plain faces and bought him lunch.  “Wow!” everyone said. “How did you do that kid?” said one of the cashiers. The cashier made direct eye-contact with him. “Wow kid that was amazing how did you do that?” “Oh I’m just good with dealing with bullies”

Posted October 30, 2017 by martin52q in category Hynoteye

3 thoughts on “hypnoteye chapter 1

  1. manninr940

    I wonder if you will make more or is the story done. It will be really cool if you speed the story up, then you can make so his parents were home. I wish you would have put more about the hole he want in I just do not understand it.

  2. Graham M

    I really liked chapter one. It has a very interesting story-line. I can´t wait to read chapter 2. But what state did he live in? Did his parents leave him?
    It would be interesting if he started doing evil deeds with his powers like making people give him all their money and making them get in trouble for him.


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