Happy Wednesday!


It is great to know that we are enjoying our second week of school! My homeroom students are beginning to know which classes they switch to already…WHICH IS GREAT! They have picked up on it and always come back to the classroom with smiles! Also during homeroom, we have begun to use computers during our center time and they are engaged in a Math program called ST Math. The students are loving it and I’m sure will have lots to say about it! 

It has been fun to get to know the students in Language Arts. We have been investigating different communities and learning about them! It is fun to hear about different experiences the students have done this summer. They tell stories of how they noticed something different in the community! We also begun reviewing short vowel sounds and practicing their spelling words! 

In math, we have been reviewing how to add to 10. We have been doing an awesome at doing our best and will soon be adding to sums of 20! They have been really enjoying an activating strategy called “Happy Counting” which we do in the beginning of class each day! I have some of the same children in my Language Arts class, but it has been fun to get to know even more students! I think I know everyone’s name, which I am excited about!

As always, we are a team working together for your child! I wanted to update you on what is happening in the classroom! They are excited to learn! 

Have a great rest of the week!

Mrs. Hoffsmith

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